STEEM QUEST #1 | Slay the Cave-troll

This quest is not for the faint of heart and will require much strength (steem power) and mana (voting power) to persevere. One with low armor (reputation) can easily be trapped in the Halls of Silence if they're not careful.


PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Counteract cave-troll 100%

  • Eliminate all strength bonuses (rewards)
  • Prevent armor increase (reputation)

SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Bring cave-troll armor down to 60

Quest Description

Honorary stewards of Gondor and members of the congregation,
As all of you may know, we have a cave-troll in our midst.
Every hallway in our kingdom reeks of its feces.
Joyfully it defecates at least 10 times a day.
Into our very nostrils its stench reaches.
Nourishing itself with its own excrement.

I stand my ground firm beside you.
Shouting to the heavens that God delivers us.

A growing and troubling threat we have by the hour.
Now is when we must fight.

Are you ready for battle?
Should I blow the trumpet?
Shelter yourself O ye troll for thy flags cometh like a thief in the night.
Hold on to these words for they shall surely come to pass.
Overdue is your reward.
Low quality are your words.
Embrace your demise.

Terms of Duration

This quest can go on indefinitely. Only a radical change by the cave-troll can bring it to early completion.

Due to the difficulty of this quest I will unfortunately need to suspend the SOG program. I will reinstate the stewardship program once this quest is completed. You have full reign to do as you wish with your delegated steem until I retract it in 24hrs.


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