Do you pass the Turing test?

I Robot
...or are you just a bot in someone's pocket?

I just wanted to ask, since I've been getting quite many "botty" (read: constant nonsense) comments lately, and I'm getting really frustrated about them.

Are you one of those who think creating stupid chatty bots is an easy way to make money?

Please reconsider that by having a genuine participation on Steem, joining conversations and curating content, you could not only make a lot more profit, but at the same time ensure that the system doesn't get polluted by nonsense. I know you don't want to kill the goose laying the golden eggs by filling Steem with stupid bots.

Here's my personal solution to fight the bot issue:

I'm announcing a new policy on my posts. If I read a comment that's nonsensical in any way, I will interpret it as a bot, and I will flag immediately. So if you happen to be in the receiving end of a flag, you may reconsider trying a bit harder.

And if you fail?

...try, try again!

P.S. I'm sure some of you think I'm being unfair, so read this too.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Kiemurainen got medication for cold... (192/365)]

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