Enjoy Every Moment | Take A Pause In Life

We life a fast-paced, demanding life that never seems to wait for anyone.

The rush, the excitement of experiencing a fast-paced lifestyle is attractive and comes with several perks, yet the need to enjoy life in its entirety is absolutely necessary. And this is what makes me question the fact whether we are giving enough importance to each moment that passes us by.

In the rush to catch up, do we miss out on the little yet very special moments in our lives, ones that may never come back again.

A first birthday, the last goodbye, the first day of a new year, the family Christmas where everyone was together - certain moments just slip by and we fail to enjoy them. Such moments might not repeat themselves, such circumstances and such situations might not manifest again, so shouldn't we give them the attention and importance they truly deserve.

Shouldn't you LIVE, instead of just be living!

We life once, and one lifetime is not enough to experience the myriad possibilities that the big world and the vast universe has to offer.

  • Work is important, but Family and friends are equally important, if not more.
  • Making money is crucial, yet enjoying a nice meal or having a good night's sleep is certainly needed.
  • Thinking about the future is valid, yet not enjoying the present is so not done.

Balance is the key, prioritizing is the answer.

When you have wings to fly, don't just walk.

So, it's time to take a pause. And here's what you need to do:

Reassess -

Take a deep breath and say 'STOP'. Hold onto that moment, and just imagine the life that you envisioned for yourself a few years back and the life that you are living right now, do they match up. Will your past self be proud of the person you've become in the present, or do you think you can foresee great changes for a better future.

Where are your friends, family and your goals, aspirations in the chart of your life. Reevaluate everything that has transpired in your life so far, and just start making notes of the things you need to do from now to get the absolute of of life.

Recover -

Now that you have reassessed life, it's time to recover from the damages you have inadvertently caused yourself.

Take a hold of your life, cut off the extra baggage, give importance to the finer and more important things, learn to live, learn to laugh, just find peace with yourself. Wounds can heal, yet if you play with them for long, they become scars.

Race ahead -

Now that the reassessment of your life is successful, and you are recovering from the years of unnecessary torture you've been inflicting upon yourself, it's time to race ahead towards the life that you really deserve, one that is balanced both professionally and personally, one that resonates with the need to enjoy life to its absolute limits and one that reflects the true YOU.

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