We use it every day and it is omnipresent in our lives. He is the true and only GOD of our era, and we spend half a life fighting tooth and nail to get it: it is money, and the truth is that, even though the influence of this "almighty entity" is absolutely decisive in our lives , the true nature and origin of it, is practically unknown by the vast majority of the population in general.

Sometimes, I think that from the elites, we are educated and indoctrinated on purpose since we are childs so that we are absolute economic and financial "illiterates", and we spend our lives chasing "little pieces of paper" without stopping for a minute to reflect and ask questions about it.

I have not done the test empirically, but I am convinced that if I ask 100 people around me, 95 of them will not know how to respond with precision to such elementary questions as: What is money? What is the intrinsic value of it? What is a central bank? Who creates the money? What is the interest rate? What is inflation?

Although at first it might seem that all these are tricky concepts only accessible to economists and financial experts, the impact of all this in our lives is so extraordinarily huge, direct and fundamental, that I believe that all of us should have the obligation to educate ourselves about it in order to obtain a more critical and precise vision of what this "false deity" of our time really is. Without a doubt, I believe that we should establish a new discourse with money from a philosophical, sociological and moral point of view that allows us to build a more objective and healthy relationship with this all-powerful entity causing so much damage, misery, and inequality in the world.

If I told you that the true intrinsic value of a 500-euro bill is very close to that of a monopoly bill, I'm sure you'd think I'm crazy. Since our birth, our veneration for money at the social level is such that we can hardly escape from this trap and see the true and dark reality behind these "little cuts of tree pressed and printed with cartoons and numbers".

Since President Nixon ended with the gold standard in 1971, the international economy based on FIAT currencies backed by authentic "smoke" (with the American dollar as a benchmark and the highest international exponent up to now), has become an absolutely sinister, schizophrenic, uncontrollable and tremendously ruthless entity

Henry Ford once said: "If people understood how our financial system works, I think there would be a revolution before tomorrow." And that's the real problem: people are currently so integrated into the "matrix" and so preoccupied with the trash that your TV throws up, with socially overrated distractions like football, with satisfying our egos and with sickly searching for the constant approval of the others in social networks, that very few are interested in looking a little further and try to understand what the truth is really about. In the end, the truth hurts, and very few people want to discover that in reality, we are all mere puppets of an inhuman and ruthless monetary and financial system conceived only to enslave us.

Money "per se" is not bad. It is nothing more than a tool, a means of communication and exchange. But the current money (or rather the currencies, which is what we actually use for our exchanges now) and how it is managed by central banks, is undoubtedly the cause of most of the wars, conflicts, inequalities and human dramas throughout the world.

If, like me, you are also curious and non-conformist and are interested in taking the red pill to discover what is really behind our dollars, euros, pounds or yuan, for me it was tremendously revealing to understand all this atrocity, the viewing of the videos "The Hidden Secrets of Money" of the great Mike Maloney. Undoubtedly, the best set of video/documentaries available on the web, with a broad historical, sociological and economic route to understand in an easy and entertaining way something so apparently complicated.

If you are interested, I leave the link of these interesting videos available on YouTube. The first video, entitled "Money vs Currency" opens with a tremendously powerful and direct statement that anticipates the high quality of the subsequent content: "Your true wealth is your time and your freedom, money is just a tool to exchange your time"

I hope you enjoy it, and if you liked my post and my reflection has helped you better understand "the false money God", I encourage you to comment and give me your support for this post.

"The Hidden Secrets of Money" by the great Mike Maloney.

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