if you had full abundance of everything you could ever need, How would you act differently from how you are now?

Breaking my "glass half empty" mentality by giving

All SBD and Steem earned from this post will go to project @curie. They have helped my content go from 1$ to 20$ on multiple post of mine and now I would like to give back to them, so they can give more to others like me. Thanks!
The reason I am dong this is to create a greater abundance mentality within me, just like what I am writing about in this blog. So on my next three posts all money earned from each one will be donated to a group here on steemit with a good cause of helping other people in someway. Post in the comments which group you think should receive the donations. I will also be adding groups in the comments that I think deserve this donation too. The group with the with the highest upvotes will receive the earned from my next post. If no votes are made, then the money earned from my next post will go to project curie by default.

"Bless myself with abundance and wealth, then unto others it shall flow. For I shall be another bridge for that energy to move through. As a flower would give to a bee, I shall give to nurture the well beings of others. As I shall give, I'll shall receive the same. That which I am is what I'll become."

If you had full abundance of everything you could ever need and were lacking nothing, how would you live your life differently?

The perspective that we hold for ourselves changes our entire interaction with everything around us; The way we share ourselves, the way we express ourselves and everything else that we attract into our lives. I have noticed lately that for a long time now I have had a mental limitation of feeling like I don't have enough or that I'm lacking essential things that I need in my life.

This is not actually true yet it causes me to constantly feel like I need more and more. I have become aware of this because of the instincts that I have to hold things back for myself that i might not use after I receive a gift of abundance. I've realized that acting this way means that part of me believes that there could be a possibility that I might not receive anything good ever again. Thinking this way is repressive and creates a limiting false mindset that goes against the universal law of growth that are innately within each one of us. I know that If I had full abundance of everything I would do things I wanted more in each moment, put all my energy/money into each idea that I think of, and share a lot of that abundance I would have with others.

Is your glass half empty or half full?

When you and another person receive something similar at the same time, do you compare to see if they received more than you? I know I do. The half glass full and half glass empty is a great metaphor that teach that everything is based on the way that you perceive it, Joining steemit has taught me that even more; Its been a very awakening experience and has brought a new awareness to me on this and many other subjects. It has also brought awareness to me about how I interact and share myself with others. I've seen that I can hold myself back or look at everything that I haven't accomplished, instead of all the things that I have.

I have received a lot of support and gifts of abundance from many steemians, to name a few @sirwinchester, @infovore, @richardcrill, @dylanhobalart, @virtualgrowth, all of the people @curie, and friendly advice from many other steemians. Feeling this support and seeing myself expand with my content/wallet is very empowering to me. Yet at the same time, I noticed myself having feelings that I am behind everyone else and need to catch up. Constantly comparing wallets with other users and the time frame that they've had faster audience growth than I have had. While this can be an effective method to have a successful model that you can learn and grow from, I've found that doing this too much in the beginning can be a big hindrance from having motivation to produce more content.

All of us have different life experiences and a different past. So it is crude and unfair to compare each other to ourselves in this way. There are aspect of life that can be false for one person and be very real for another. Even though it is possible for either person to change their perspective, it is unfair to say that they are not valid.

What is an abundance mentality compared to a lacking mentality

These are mindsets that create the foundation of the ways that each one of us interact with our environment. Do we focus on all the things in life that have brought us fortune and prosperity or do we focus on all the bad things that have happened during our lives. Each time we choose to use one of these perspectives and apply it to a certain aspect of our life, in that moment we are creating a building block for the events that are going to happen next. With each one of these positive building blocks we create we grow stronger, with each negative one we create the opposite happens. The picture below that I'm showing you is a very black and white representation of what abundance and lacking mentality are. That being said, it still shows a very good representation of the basic ideas that create both these opposite mentalities.

Now in real life, the majority of people will not fall into only one of these categories or options presented in the picture. In reality each one of us has a different mentality each time we interact with something new, sometimes it is even somewhere down the middle with both sides playing an equal part. In the end it's not about what mentality you are choosing in each moment but more about which side you choose the majority of the time as your dominant side.

Society passing down false idea that create a lacking mentality

This lacking poverty mentality is something that certain people through out history have taken advantage of and found way to profit from it. Because of this happening there has been a lot of propaganda has been created to enforce this mentality of lack and poverty. With phrases created and passed down like "you've got to work your way up the ladder", "the money will trickle down from the top" and "money doesn't grow on trees".

All of these phrases create a false reality that do not have to be true, yet benefit a small group of people if they are absorbed. Creating a scarcity feeling among all of us and closing us off from expanding into the rest of the world. The things these phrases have in common is that all of them create a limitation for the person receiving the "lesson" and none of them have strong aspect that supports individual growth. Every individual is unique and different, therefore the way that each person grows and the experiences that they have will also be different. Giving someone these dogmas is nothing more than what would happen if you put an animal in a cage, both of these things restricting ones movement.

Creating that feeling of abundance NOW by giving what I have

Giving and receiving in a balanced cycle that recycles, are really the strongest, most profitable systems of growth. If we look at nature, the balance between the greens of the earth and the animals have a perfect give and take with the air that we create for each other; With the animals breathing in (receiving) the oxygen then creating (giving) carbon-monoxide to give back to the plant of the earth to continue the cycle.

This is the type of energy that I am now creating in my life. As I receive I shall give back, the quicker these cycles happen for myself, the stronger my growth will become. I know and believe that all that I give without attached conditions, I shall receive two times more in another form. This is what caused me to start thinking,"what can I share with people that would expand there life". This is also the reason why I decided to give all SBD and Steem earned from this post to something that has helped me and others out in many ways. This had me thinking more about what unshared talents that I have that are natural for me but to others would be amazing to experience. Tuning into these different types of positive thinking will broaden my awareness to see more opportunities for growth that are around me that I usually would not see otherwise.

I still have thoughts that have lacking aspect to them like,"What if I don't have enough money to cover the expenses of #steemfest" and "maybe I shouldn't give this away cause I might need it later". Yet I think this is perfectly natural for all of us, these types of thought that maybe dis-empowering will happen every once in a while throughout our life. Like I said before, what really matter is where we choose to hold our energy dominant (lacking or abundant mentality). Many of you are already applying these ideas to your life, but there is always room for expansion with all these ideas.
If we can create a new system of growth were everyone is equally nourished, just as effortlessly and effective as breathing, I know that the growth from it will become more than any of us could ever imagine. This is what I seek for myself and inspire to create within others.

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