The next financial crisis is in the making.
Wall Street brokers know it.
Spiritual people sense it.
Geeks, libertarians and anarchists can't wait for it.
Nobody knows when it’s coming (though my gut has an opinion on this). It might still take a while and it might be a process of several years.
I hope it won't be a crisis but a peaceful transition. But that all depends on how consciously we navigate towards and through it.
The Wall Street people think it's just part of the typical sinus wave market movement.
They will just adapt and go "short" instead of "long" when it happens. They know ways to make money no matter which way the trend goes. It's a game.
And after all, every bear market in history has been followed by a bull market, right?
The spiritual people think, "Oh, I'm not sure... this one feels different. This might be a biggie..."
It feels more like collapse to them.
A huge shift.
A transition that will bring a substantial amount of chaos along.
But they can't really see yet what will be left once the dust settles. They are quite concerned.
They haven't heard of Bitcoin yet.
The geeks and the anarchists? They are watching and grinning.
They've been getting prepared for years and have their Bitcoins safely stored in their Trezors. They feel untouchable. They've been "living off crypto" for months and years now.
When the collapse comes it will be their biggest "F$&@ you" to the Elite and the happiest day of their lives. They are the new rich, though nobody would guess that from the outside. They might just become the new Elite.
I don't think that was Satoshi's intention when she first envisioned the blockchain and Bitcoin, but currently there's still a lot of patriarchal "residue" in the male dominated crypto space. A lot of (much needed) technological knowledge, though sadly not always matched with the same amount of emotional intelligence and spiritual maturity.
But what about the others?
What about the 99.99999999 % of the people who do not have the knowledge of the geeks and who are not the enemy?
How do we include them?
How do we get them to "see the light"?
How do we help them over the bridge into cryptoland?
Half geek half woman
I have no desire to "win against the others". The blockchain brings back all the important feminine values to our society: fairness, transparency, community, equality and inclusiveness - which means everyone should win.
Everyone should be included.
Nobody should miss out and be left behind.
My dream is, that - should people lose their fiat money - they will go "So what?", because by then their crypto money savings are worth a lot more than they've ever had before.
But that will only happen if we reach them now.
If we educate the ones who are open for it.
If we manage to inspire the others, who are not open for it just yet.
I keep joking I am half geek half woman. But I honestly believe we need more "hybrids" in the cryptospace. People who understand just enough about the technology AND are able to communicate it with regular people who have no clue about cryptocurrencies yet.
I'm not claiming to be good at either one yet, but I'm interested and I'm educating myself every day.
DASH is a hybrid community
There are a lot of these hybrids in the DASH community. Hybrids of all genders ;) who understand the bigger picture and who consistently communicate it to the outside world.
It's not only the founders, who have the tech skills as well as the spiritual maturity and who focus on creating a rEvolutionary product that will enable everyone to use digital cash, no matter how new they are to crypto currencies. It's also the members who spread the word in their networks.
That's why I believe so much in its success.
That's why I keep telling everyone and their mother about it.
I have never felt more passionate about anything in my life. I am a spiritual person and I feel such a strong urge to make people - especially women - aware of the fact that the blockchain and crypto currencies are the solution to pretty much everything that's wrong with the world.
I sense the shift strongly.
... And I want everyone to know how to bring their money to safety and grow it like it's never grown before.
My articles are still largely being ignored by the people in my existing networks.
I don't mind. I ignored Bitcoin for 2 years, thinking it didn't affect my life.
I will keep writing, though.
When my people are ready, I will be there for them.
As a friend, and also as a guide and mentor in The Conscious Crypto Community.
Are you a hybrid, too?
Let me know in the comments, so I can follow you. Especially if you focus on women. Let's help each other spread the word!