Be ready for next financial crisis

Hello steemians,

bank run.gif

Next financial crisis might be different from the last one so better be ready this time.

Since 2007-2008 crisis, central banks tryto refund the system and solve subprime crisis by creating a bigger bubble with Quantitative Easing injecting trillions of dollars.

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The plan is to massively inject liquidity and keep interest rates at all time low to encourage borrowing in hope to revive the economy enought to refund debt.

Stock prices are at all time high, house market recovered with all time high in some area of the world, unemployement rate has decreased, everything looks good on paper right?

Not really because debt keep growing, rich get richer and poor get poorer and nobody find an exit strategy.
How we get out of debt? Who will pay?

        In fact government are already looking for solutions!

European Unions is looking to freeze bank accounts before a bank run takes place and seize money in case of crisis, pretty convenient isn't it?

History proove us in case of systemic crisis government and banks seize us:

Historically centralised money are really bad to protect wealth long term as dollars loast 98% of buy power since 1900, with all the debt and money printed last decade hyperinflation is a real risk.

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Imagine if all centralised money would enter in hyperinflation as Venezuela currency does last few years:



We don't know when next crisis will happen, what we know from Cyprus and Greece experience is better not have our money in banks because when the crisis will explode you will not have access to your money anymore.

So what options are left to protect our wealth during what could be the worst financial crrisis ever?

As steemit users you certainly already know the answer, protect at least 20% of you weatlh with physical precious metals and buy digital cryptocurrencies!

Don't let your crypto's on exchanges, safely cold store your assets.

Always have a minimum of 3 months stock of food because it might be difficult to purchase it in panic events , unexpected wars or climatic events could also cause food shortage.

Do you know the world food supply has only few weeks of stock in advance to feed the world?

20 millions people are already suffering from starvation and famine.



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