Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum Coming Soon to Fidelity Investments Website

Over the past few days there has been a flurry of excitement in the FinTech sector. The Ethereal Summit and Consensus 2017 have propelled blockchain and cryptocurrency into the spotlight and propelled the price of Ethereum to all time highs, up more than 2,000% this year.

If you haven't already, please read Ethereal Summit 2017: Complete Analysis

This analysis breaks down the Ethereal Summit and what the important takeaways from the summit are.

If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I have been closely following the developments being made by Coinbase. This year they received licensing to sell both Ethereum and Litecoin in NY. 

The more recent multi-currency approach by Coinbase is allowing traditional investors to open up to these new assets.

In an article published today by Finance Magnates  the CEO of Fidelity Investments, Abigail Johnson, revealed "that Fidelity Investments is working on integrating into its website a display of assets held at San Francisco headquartered cryptocurrency wallet and exchange Coinbase. It is expected to be completed by Q3 2017. " Source

The CEO also explains how the company has researched various aspects of cryptocurrency.

“We have built proofs of concepts that accept bitcoin micro-transactions. We set up small bitcoin and ethereum mining operations, just done in the spirit of learning.”

If you read my Ethereal Summit analysis you would know that companies are betting big on blockchain and taking this tech very seriously. Further supporting my analysis is the following quote from Fidelity Investments CEO.

“Even we at Fidelity can see that the evolution of technology is setting up our industry for disruption. What if this new technology could do for the transfer of value what the internet did for the transfer of information? Blockchain isn’t just a new way to settle transactions; it can fundamentally change market structure, or maybe even the architecture of the internet itself. When combined with things like the Internet of Things or the cloud, there’s no underestimating the potential that’s on the horizon.”

Once again, if you want to understand the full magnitude of Ethereum and blockchain, please read  Ethereal Summit 2017: Complete Analysis

It will also shed some light on why investors and companies are so excited about blockchain.


If you want to stay up to date on crypto and Fin Tech news follow my blog @digicrypt.

DASH: XgQ9NBonMoCPKhF37agY4W8zk7gwQFnwGV

Litecoin: LfqygtBxy3AJgEpTnTMUYGEoTYEcED8YPZ

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