Clif High: Discusses Cryptocurrencies Breaking Loose

Greg Hunter interviews Clif High who talks about what his predictive linguistic algorithms are predicting for cryptocurrencies and gold/silver.


  • Mike Adams perspective is incorrect -- Bitcoin's rise is a result of lack of faith in fiat currencies;
  • Fake cryptocurrencies (coins) -- scams taking advantage of flight into cryptocurrencies;
  • Corruption within politics;
  • Federal Reserve's interest rate changes -- FED is irrelevant;
  • Episodic hyperinflation;
  • Bitcoin going to $13,800 in early February 2018;
  • Silver $600 per ounce target before February 2018;
  • Gold at $4,800 range by February 2018;
  • Gold to Silver ratio going toward parity, 1:1;
  • 2018 will be horrific for western financial world;
  • Cryptocurrencies are forming new economy;
  • What happens to cryptocurrencies if internet goes down for any reason;
  • Big money investors are buying Ethereum;
  • Ethereum has long term potential;
  • Ripple will rise in waves but not have long term value like Bitcoin and Ethereum;
  • SteemIt as a social media is good, STEEM has long-term viability, but Clif does not see value in STEEM -- Personal note: I THINK HE IS WRONG!;
  • Long term cryptocurrency bets - Monero and Cloak -- they are being looked at by large companies;
  • Hang onto your Bitcoin and Ethereum for long term financial gains;
  • Financial reset is coming;
  • Fortunes will be made in cryptocurrencies;
  • DNC;
  • and more..

60 minute video by Greg Hunter published 3 June 2017


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog

Clif High's YouTube channel: Clif High
Clif High's website: Half Past Human

I am not affiliated with the USAWatchDog, other than being a fan and avid follower of Greg's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the USAWatchDog, give Greg's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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