An Ultimate KEY to What You Want. 🤯

Hi Friends, I’m going to share with you an understanding that will enable you to have greater health, wealth and happiness. Something you can act on instantly.

I know sounds like a pretty big claim but all will become apparent by the end.


Just follow through this post, making sure not to miss a single sentence, or moment.
Starting here....

The very first thing we are going to do is enjoy this Lemon




Imagine for a moment that this is your lemon.
You know the weight of it, how it he feels in your hands, the smoothness of the waxy skin with little bumps.


You place your Lemon on the cutting board and carefully get a sharp knife to cut it with.


You push the knife into the skin, cutting into the Lemon, instantly releasing lemon juice and lemon oil fragrance into your environment.


You recognize the familiar smell as your senses register the crisp citrus aroma, small drops of juice dribble and squirt out from this juicy lemon.


You then cut the lemon in half and in half again releasing more of the sweet bitter lemon smell and juice into the room.


You then Slowly bring up the juiciest quarter to your mouth,


as it touches your lips


you bite down getting a rush of rich fresh lemon juice into your mouth,


squirting and awakening your tastebuds to the citric acid,


the sweet and sourness of eating a fresh juicy lemon…



Quickly take a moment,
Become aware of the amount of saliva in your mouth.
There is more of it, in fact you even swallowed a lot more times in the past 60 seconds than you normally do.

SO why did we just do all that?

To show you that you had a physical experience in your body right now, though this actual event happened in the past, and it wasn't even you who it happened to.
(No that was me in the pictures, taking one for the team LOL) 😉

But you had a Physical, Biological and Chemical Reaction to it! You also had the Experience!

This is because the human body reacts physically to the brain and its thoughts.
The brain does not differentiate between what you physically experience, or what you observe, or to even what you imagine.

Every thought you have is affecting your life right now!!! 😳

SO are you using this natural ongoing function to your benefit or detriment???

Your habit of thinking is either improving your life, lifting you up, creating increased biological function, expanding your health and life or it is doing the opposite. There is no neutral stationary place of existence. We are all in motion in one direction or another, be it fast or slow everything is in motion.

What % of your daily thinking is about the Joy, Success and Love filled life you plan to experience more of…


What % of your daily thinking is about what you don’t like, don’t want, how things didn’t work in the past, people who have done you wrong… and as you are aware, the list can go on and on.

Some people will even find others to agree and support them in their complaining and tragedy, amplifying the effect.

Be Aware

Every time you think about a bad experience in your past (or imagine one in your future), your body is going through the experience, you are literally re-living a past experience. You are creating once again the chemical and physiological environment you had in the original experience. This continued barrage to the body depletes your vitality and health.

How To Change

The way to change this is to create a new habit of thinking. To create a new habit you have to do spaced repetition and emotional impact. The means consistently, every day imagine and see the life you want, the experiences you want. Imagine how it feels, tastes, sounds and create the future experience. Focus Forward rather than dwell in the past.
Every day write a short list of the “who” you want to be, and the Joys that new you is going to live into.

Because remember the body will physically react to ALL the thoughts you are having.

The Elite Do It

Pro athletes use this before a game or competition, top executives visual an outcome for a meeting or their company, many successful people do it naturally. But we all can start doing it more by choice.

There is a lot to this, this is just 1 of many posts to help you but here are some action steps.

To Impact Personal Change

1 Become aware of your thinking.
2 Daily write by hand, a small list of the Life you wish to live into. All in the positive.
3 Repeat every day and don’t stop.

Its not instantaneous, but it is affective. Its like turning a huge ship in the ocean it will take a moment before you see the results, but they just keep getting better as you head towards your DREAMS.

Now share with a Friend who can use a little reminder that they are powerfully affecting their life with their thinking.

Who am I, My Introduction Post on Steemit
Us on Facebook The Honey Dare

What do you give an injured lemon?

What did the Lemon say to the Lime?
Sour you doing, orange you glad its just the 2 of us?

Bwhahahahaa 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😃

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