Faucets for Everyone! Get Your Free Money at Steemit

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Steemit Faucets are free money! Set it and forget it

Go into Steemit and turn on some faucets.

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Why should you turn on faucets at Steemit?

If you are already swimming in Steemit

Faucets are your very easiest way to get some money flowing in as a new minnow on Steemit. Everyone will tell you not to worry about the money, but it's discouraging if none comes in. Keep doing all the things, but get some cash coming in so that you are happy to see your wallet bump up a little bit every so often. Faucets fill this hole in your first days, weeks and months here.

If you are not steeming yet and just thinking about it - try this:

  • set up an account to protect your user name
  • turn on these faucets
  • leave
    Now you have money coming in in case you decide to try later. Just remember your password etc.

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This is Part One of my Series on how to make money when you are new and broke on steemit.

I have more ways, but this is the easiest. The effort will be more in future posts.

What is a Faucet at Steemit?

Faucets are money flows that you turn on in some way. They are small and come in a drip. Once you turn them on, they go on until they stop unless you go in and shut them off.

Why do they have faucets on Steemit?

  • for no reason but to do it (!)
  • to advertise their service
  • to congratulate you or them for some milestone
    I don't understand, but I don't judge. Send me free money! Keep your reason to yourself. Thank you! Send more! I love it.

How do I get in on faucets at Steemit?

Faucets come in varieties of methods. I do the easy ones and seek them out. If i am in anyone's wallet for any reason, I see if they have any and go look. i don't do anything complicated because i am old and can't learn the rules of football right now (for one example).

Here is a how to find mine:

  • Go to my wallet
  • Page down and FOLLOW all people who give me money
    It’s easier to scroll to the bottom and work your way back up. The faucet names are blue links so you can get to them, follow, and come back.

That’s it!

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If you will go down to the bottom of my wallet, you will see I did not know about this faucet thing in the beginning and missed out. You can notice my payouts getting more frequent over time as new faucet steemers get added. The old ones might drop off and then come back. You never know.

I joined the faucets now what?

Some of this money will come no matter if you are there or not - just by you following the person.
Others you might have to go upvote or visit once in awhile to keep active but they will send you money to remind you! Nice.

Then we have a real faucet by @klye

This takes more work and is more of the definition of a faucet.

Sign up for @kyle's faucet here if you dare. It took me two days to get a verification pic up but now I am in the money! At the bottom of this snip is @klye giving me his faucet explanation.

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Thank you @klye for clearing this up.

Hint to big fish:

@klye will increase the faucet amount if he gets donations. This could go under the category of team building for you.

For now here is my result.

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WooHoo! Halfway to payout - see it drip in!

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When I get to 1 steem, I will go get it and put it in my normal steemit wallet. "Don’t save your money in faucets "is one rule I learned while trying to figure this out. Faucets are a thing in crypto. I tried to find other faucets out in the bigger internet world but I have not gotten anywhere yet. For now, the Steemit faucets are all I have. Don't think I'm not looking though.

Learn from your faucet providers

At least in the beginning - go see what they do. Look at content, format, profile pics and information. These are people trying and succeeding enough with steemit to give away free money, so pay attention! What do you see you like and don't like? Make some comments and engage maybe.

Free Steemit money is a good thing

There is nothing I like better than money coming in while I sleep. Tell me why you do or don’t like this Steemit faucet idea idea in the comments please.

Tell me why or why not you would like to follow these faucet people.

And if you have a faucet I missed – you can star in Part Two of my Series on how to make money when you are new and broke on Steemit if you comment me below.

BONUS social media marketing and graphics information

Some information on making graphics and how to use them even those these are really bad.

I made these posters with Canva today in three sizes:
Steemit Twitter, You Tube you just saw up above

These square ones are for fb and LinkedIn

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Here is the long version for Pinterest (Hideous but will work)

For Pinterest you need this vertical media with the text in the middle or people hate you over there. I'm on money boards since I'm an accountant and I'm on money bloggers boards for the same reason. I think these will do well there. I will make all of the social media posts for this social media post to be "evergreen." This means they will cycle through and go forever.

This is after all an evergreen post. The concept of faucets will not change and I will not stop having them so...

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I think this is a good post to promote. Who does not like free money?

Promoting Steemit Posts with Viraltag

Now (right after I post this) I’m going to use my beloved Viraltag to schedule these media all over the Internet in a flash! This is how you see my feed with so many unique tweets at twitter. Viraltag picks up ALL the media. I can schedule 20 tweets in 5 minutes that go for 5 days and bring traffic. I’m not just getting the thumbnail with Viraltag. I get all the photos and even get the media from the comments! If it is good - I tweet it!

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Please use my affiliate link to Viraltag if you have a brand presence on other platforms like me. My traffic is up everywhere due to Steemit. Such a thrill!

Are you are a steeming tweep?

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If you are on twitter – be sure to follow me and join 90 other tweeting steemians on my steemit TwitList. We are making Twitter notice steemit while getting more eyeballs on our posts! What could be better than this?

My Shelltown San Diego Landlord

showing me how the invisible people taught him to fly

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He is standing on something like this flimsy thing from Amazon

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If you believe it - you can do it!

Shelltown San Diego Backyard Tracking System

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Perfect for the beach!

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Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I still weighted 275 pounds. Anyone can lose weight if I did.

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Be sure to fitinfun no matter what

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