Standard Accountability: The Garden of Eden Daily Ledger, or How We Spend Our Freedom

We have been a transparent organization for our entire existence; we have found that accountability is key to a successful community.

In that spirit, we would like to introduce Steemit to our economy.

We are a community of full-time volunteers. We work 12-16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 360 days a year, because we are committed to creating the world we want for our children.

We do not spend money; rather, we dedicate proceeds from our operations towards feeding 40,000 free meals a year, saving hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill annual, clothing, sheltering, and educating people,  achieving a negative carbon footprint, and building a healthier, more sustainable world for ALL!

We offer all of our goods and services purely by donation. We gift our treasures to our donors in thanks for their support of our cause. 

We'd like to take stock of our accomplishments for our own records and to prove to the world that it is possible to succeed in living by happy, sustainable honorable, standards.

Yesterday, we donated a $1000 catering event to the homeless in downtown Fort Worth, Texas.

Today, we produced:

  • $200 raised from our products/operations
  • 3 custom, handmade Epic Threads shirts
  • 30 free meals
  • $500 worth of food to feed the needy
  • $50 in sustainable building materials
  • 5 pounds of dried herbs and 15 bags of tea blends
  • 40 pounds of compost
  • harvested 10 pounds of okra, tomatoes, and greens
  • 278 photos
  • 51 SBD in straight up donations for floor sealant (thank you so much @bridgetbunchy & @kooshikoo!)
  • 3 @gardenofeden Steemit articles that have thus far earned $49.77

We also:

  • saved 300 lbs of trash from the landfill
  • shared our wisdom with 2,000 people through our online realities
  • supplied organic homegrown tobacco
  • brought iodine to those who can benefit from this essential nutrient
  • decanted 10 bottles of homemade wine
  • glued more pieces to our floor
  • erected a fence
  • painted a shelf
  • and invested 8 hours in Steemit

Only the express 51 SBD donation to our floor campaign will be spent on fixing our floor, because we have already pledged our proceeds to serving more free meals, sheltering more people, and educating others on sustainable realities. 

We see the revolutionary potential here, and we know what it takes to run a successful community. We have valuable contributions and want to participate in mutually beneficial exchanges. Thank you for your continued support!

We will continue to share what a small group of dedicated individuals can accomplish in a day when we focus on BEING the change.

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