Make Money Great Again. #MMGA

Money has failed us. More specifically, currencies have failed us.

Prices aren’t rising; the value of our currency is weakening, requiring us to spend more of it to buy the same items. As costs continue to rise, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a standard of living.

Unlike major currencies, gold protects our purchasing power over the long run. When measured in gold, the costs of everyday items remain consistent over time – the same costs that appreciate exponentially when measured in U.S. dollars. Gold maintains its value because it is difficult to produce. It takes labor, energy, time, and skill to pull gold out of the ground. The same obstacles do not exist for Federal Reserve Notes (such as U.S. dollars).

What if you could prevent your rent, groceries, and gas from becoming more expensive? What if prices stopped increasing every year?

We can achieve this together. Let’s Make Money Great Again.

How? By making it easier to use gold and silver as money, just like our Constitution says.

Technology now exists that enables us to earn, save, and make payments in gold. By removing capital gains tax on holdings of and transactions in gold and silver, Americans could freely use gold in day-to-day commerce to buy goods and services – and choose to avoid the dollar’s ever-eroding purchasing power.

By signing this petition, you aren't voting for a gold standard or promoting the end of the dollar; you’re simply voting to restore your right to use gold and silver as money without impediments, as recognized by the U.S. Constitution.

Let’s Make Money Great Again! #MMGA

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