RADICAL Entrepreneur Internet Grandma!

I never really thought of myself as an Anarchist, but through my life experience and research I have come to the conclusion that these events (as in my previous video) are planned. They are set into motion every 8 to 10 years to keep those who are succeeding in life “in their place”.

The story of my journey has been fraught with these “events” that have effectively kept me as a slave of the system. As an entrepreneur who always played by the rules the system is orchestrated to take out any financial advantage gained within that period of time.

After two serious recessions 1989-90 and 2000-01 I lost big time. I practically ignored the 2008 recession… why? I was quietly sitting in a job, renting an apartment – didn’t have any investments and in fact did not have anything to lose. This is where they want us.

Why else would the Government impose all these rules? I mean think about it since time began there have been markets right in the streets. Where are they? Not allowed. The governments and large corporations have made sure that to start a business you have to have the right capitalization, the right backing from banks, the right forms filled out, and most importantly the right friends.

Why can’t I just bring the cute little item I just sewed, painted, whittled, grew etc. out to the street market and sell to whomever walks by? This is the way it was done for thousands of years.

This encourages creative people and helps economies flourish.

But we can’t …Why?

Because it is illegal.

Because it might mess up the neatly trimmed grass and miles of boring sidewalk.

It would bring down property values.

A bright vibrant street market is somehow worse that a dingy cemented over strip mall? Street marketers know they have to keep their little shops attractive or no one would want to buy anything. We are not idiots.



Now we have to visit places like Mexico, Provence, Morocco and all kinds of exciting vibrant places in order to truly experience these things.



That is why I love the internet. It is essentially the one place they haven’t been able to stop this kind of radical behaviour.

So… I guess I am a radical.

p.s. my images are from pixabay - and copyright okay!

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