Follow the money...part three of my rant on corporate capture, decentralization and money and what to do about it!

As I said in my [last post] (@greenman/wow-this-is-fun-speaking-my-mind-on-steemit-a-decentralized-blockchain-attached-newsfeed-here-is-a-follow-up-post-on-my-intro) it's not about race, color nationality or religion it's about money and always has been. My career started as a pizza delivery driver and stuck that out until I owned the company which included doing my own bookkeeping. I went on to owning many other small companies and continued to doing my own books.

My last gig as I [mentioned in my intro] (@greenman/my-introduction-and-what-i-would-like-to-contribute-to-this-exciting-new-platform-of-steemit-key-areas-decentralization) was in the Finance & IT department of the worlds biggest company. Why I mention this is because as I was learning bookkeeping and taking bookkeeping courses I got a real good understanding of generally accepted accounting principles. In my 35 years of accounting only three times did I almost fall out of my chair when I heard of these new rules: Short Selling; Mark to Market Accounting and HFT [high frequency trading] (

Let me start with short selling: I heard you could trade options and actually bet against a company if you felt it was not managed right and if the shares went down your position would go up in value. This is brilliant as it provide liquidity and an excellent review of the management team at all times. Only problem is we don't live in heaven and with insider trading and dishonest people this scheme will never work. I believe short selling should be stopped immediately.

Another thing that should be stopped immediately is Mark to Market Accounting. I would love it if we lived in heaven and all people were honest but we don't! Mark to Market was introduced by [Jeff Skilling] ( CFO of Enron and is currently in jail right now for financial fraud. Mark to Market is subject to repricing assets on a balance sheet based on appraisals and or someones opinion. In my opinion the price on the balance sheet should only reflect what amount in cash actually traded hands!

Now HFT ( has been designed so the ones with the fastest connections and best protocols can win an advantage. This is just plain criminal.

So those are three areas where as if I were king for a day I would change things up.

Back to follow the money: If you watch Bill Still's [The Money Masters] () you will see that a few own and control everything. I believe they get up everyday and say how do we make more money today. I don't think it is a big conspiracy to achieve much else but make more money.

The biggest banks have been fined over $100 billion dollars in the last few years and have not been jailed. 5 of those banks have been charged with [felonies] (

Even KYC Know Your Customer ( and Money Laundering rules have nothing to do with terrorism or drugs it is just to do with controlling the money and knowing where it is. It has been proven that [countries] ( that have stopped the war on drugs have actually slowed drug use and the crime rate.

What I believe is not talked about enough is this fact: 147 companies own 40% of the shares of 43,060 transnational companies. If you let that sink in it answers many questions like; who's moving the markets, are they front running the markets, do they like near monopolies, do they regulate the little guy out etc etc, do they buy elections, do they own media, banks, military industrial complex. 62 people own more than half of what the global population does. Corporate Capture.

Please if you like this topic engage in the conversation and or follow me as I will be posting excellent works from independent reporters such as: James Rickard's; Greg Hunter; Greg Mannarino; John Williams; Paul Craig Roberts; Catherine Austin Fitts; Peter Shift; Rob Kirby; Harry Dent; David Morgan; Chris Martenson; Andy Hoffman; Bill Still etc.

Don't let this stuff get you down as the awareness is growing and elections all over the world are swaying for dramatic change. Share this to increase awareness join Steemit to encourage an audit trail of all information. Stay strong peace be with you.

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