When a Preacher Calls Out the Banksters.

Rod Parsley Taught His Congregation About the Corrupt Banking System.

This video goes back to before the birth of Bitcoin and Crypto Currency. I wonder what he would have to say about it? My guess is that he would approve of trustless money that was freely transacted from peer to peer.

For my followers I have to admit that I spent two years attending this church. Rod Parsley was a pretty cool preacher. Educating the congregation was something that he did quite often. I ended up in Columbus because I thought I wanted to be a preacher. That lasted about half a semester at the bible college.

After quitting bible college I did continue to volunteer in the youth group for almost two years. Spending time in that atmosphere was one more piece of my Anarchist puzzle. I quickly decided that organized religion was not for me. You won't often here me talk about religion.

Watch the Video and Learn About the Corrupt Banking System.

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