7 Hacks To Make $$$$ On Youtube!

A lot of people want to make money off of Youtube, But they don't follow the ground rules. They aren't really "rules" But they will help you add to your growing income sources so you can have more free time during the day.

I gotta say, I'm not making a ton of money on youtube, But I have brought in a little bit so far. I don't invest a lot of my time on youtube because I spend most of my time on Steemit and working on my books. But here are some tips for those of you getting started on Youtube!

1. Affiliate Marketing.

You can sign up as an affiliate on many sites; My personal favorite is Amazon's affiliate marketing program.

There is also Clickbank, Google AdSense, LinkShare

You can advertise your products to earn commission, and your profit, Or other people's stuff to collect a bunch of profit.

You can advertise just about anything, If you are an Amazon Affiliate, for example, You can promote any product found on Amazon,

  • Do videos of yourself talking about the product, Include your affiliate link in the description.

Almost everything is on Amazon, So any products you buy already can be advertised. You can also share your affiliate links all over the place.

2. ENABLE Monetization,

You may notice that when you start out on Youtube, None of your videos will have ads in them, That's because you have to enable them manually for each video. When someone clicks the ad on YOUR video, you earn money. It's that easy, and it doesn't have to be maintained.

You usually earn a cent or two per click, But that adds up over time when you get more people checking out your videos.

Make sure to post only your content, Video, Music, Pictures Etc. Or you can get in big trouble for making money off something that someone else owns.

3. Advertise your own Products.

Like the above tip, If you have your products be sure to advertise those.
Use your affiliate link for more money, (Amazon allows this!)

4. Become a Youtube Personality

If you love talking about things, Like dating, Making money, Or other things, you can work up to becoming a Youtube personality.
Many people spend hours every day on Youtube! You can also provide tips in articles for Steemit.
I go to youtube for advice on dating, Or how to advice with computer stuff!

5. Do tutorials.

People love to teach themselves things from the comfort of their home, You can do tutorials on cooking, Painting, Art, Sculpting, Furniture making, Using computer programs Etc.
Do whatever you are good at, and turn it into a tutorial. People will LOVE IT.

6. Use Keywords,

You don't have to be a master at SEO to make good SEO choices. Youtube is indexed by Google. Using good keywords will get your ranked better on youtube. Which is the second largest search engine!

  • Your title matters
  • Your tags matter
  • Your description Matters.

You can look at keyword websites or take educated guesses on what people are looking for when they look for a product.
For example, do you have a skin care product?

  • Does it help people exfoliate their skin?
  • Does it moisturize?
  • How large is the bottle?
  • What are the ingredients?
  • What brand is it?
    Try to include all these things in your description or title to give people an accurate idea of what the stuff is good for, That way they will be more likely to buy your product.

7. Post children or animal videos.

If you don't like to be in front of the camera, Filming your pet or your child doing something funny is a great way to get good views. People LOVE that kind of stuff.
I plan to film time-lapse videos of my rabbits playing outside; I feel like that would be entertaining to watch.

If you want to make money on Youtube, it's important to be creative, And bring something to the table that no one else has before. People will remember you, and admire you and eventually you'll get more subscribers!

Happy YouTubing!

Thank you Pexels for the great photos

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