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What is a freelancer? Well, normally we study, we get graduated, we study again, we get graduated (yeah again) and obviously we find a job (sometimes that job is not about our career but that is not the point). Very often, the job that we found is not the thing that we were waiting, for that reason the freelancer was born.

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To put it simple is a person that is considered self-employed and he or she can play a role in a company or just by taking tasks in a specific occupation. Normally, they tend to work in the creative, skilled or service sector such as in film, art, design, editing, copywriting, proofreading, media, marketing, music, acting, journalism, video editing and production, illustration, tourism, consulting, website development, computer programming, event planning, photography, language translation, tutoring, catering and many more.

Normally we can put them in specific groups that express the kind of work that they can get or the attention that they can put to a task.

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- Independent contractors: they are probably what you have in mind when you think of the term freelancer. These workers’ full-time employment is freelancing, they are hired for big projects where they play a specific role and you need to sure that the freelancer is really good in his role, after all, he usually wait and is prepared for these opportunities.

- Moonlighter: Normally they are the kind of workers that (as the name express it) expend the night working with many different tasks.

- Diversified workers: Actually they are a very common kind of freelancer because they are the ones that share their half-time job with the “freelancer” occupation (actually is the case of this reactor, but I am flexible).

- Temporary workers: As the name says it, they are temporary. You can hire one and for the next one, you are hiring two new ones. They don’t last long because they use to finish the work that they take and after that, they find another one.

- Business owner: is kind of ironic but this category is reserved for the owners of business and companies who have up to 5 employees in their company, that both, hire freelancers but also are considered freelancers themselves.

But what are the reasons why the freelancer job is good or the best? 

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- Actually, the first one is the most simple of all, “to satisfy your creative impulse”.

- To generate more money for you and your family (sometimes a simple job don’t give us an acceptable payment)

- It will open new horizons for you (maybe your career is not your only strong point)

- Work from home (do I need to explain it? You are working from your house that is awesome for a lot of people)

- You will pick your own holidays (actually is as simple as that, you will have your own free time and you will work when you feel it necessary).

Do you think working as a Freelancer is good or bad?


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