If all we had a lot of money

Hello friends, I began to think of a topic that caught my attention instantly, and asked me this question myself, we would be kindly, if everyone had a lot of money? 

I really believe that there is the possibility that, if they were, so things happen without any doubt, but from small grow in a world dominated by greed and the desire for power and that relatively is achieved with the money. It is a proven fact that having a lot of money gives us great power and allows us to have influence on others through the wealth acquired. We cannot deny, they get money allows you to have a kind of fighting spirit, that makes us human beings people fighters. 

Now, what if we had everything easy as serious? possibly we would end up with some defects that have damaged our societies over many centuries, wars caused by the obtaining of power, corruption in the different status. That to my way of seeing, had not existed currently if each one of us we had all the money that we needed, or because no, if the money did not exist. Something that I noticed is that the world really would be very boring if everything was perfect and easy, there One would wonder what the excitement of live?, I am not saying that it would not be happy in this way, but, to my way of perceiving things, we had not progressed in the way that we have done through the time, possibly be a society quite behind in technology, and consequently our contemporary society had not received the benefits that we receive today, that we make life much easier and simple, in some aspects.   

Another important factor in our world today is a healthy competitiveness of individuals, which creates that competence to achieve things and that at the same time, creates a motivation rather special in many people. If we realize, there are people who have a fighting spirit greater than other, able there is being created, on that basis, the division eternal between the rich and the poor, some already born with the privilege of having a lot of money and others are born having very little. We all talk that Money buys happiness, you in part is true! because we are a society extremely consumerist society, but I say in part because it is a proven fact that having a lot of money, were selfish people and without sense of life, not generalize in this sense because I am aware that not all people are so. For example, who has not been realized, in the popular communities of our countries, people were still taking few resources, are more kind to their neighbors and the community to which they belong. I mention this because I have seen with my own eyes. 

I live in an area of Caracas considered middle class, usually are buildings or houses, one can say that they are people with an average income, which allows you to take some of these luxuries. Well, the people in this sector where I live since many years ago, are people who are very rarely give you the good days, practically does not exist the vicinity so to speak and you realize as the people are locked up in their apartments, as if they were prisoners, and is something that really has always seemed to me to be curious. Unfortunately, some of these people annoy that have a lot of education, but it seems that they did not know the basic principle, to greet and thank, possibly go to a sector of Caracas, and you find yourself with people more kind, that taking little are happy, even though you do not believe, offer you a cup of coffee, although have little, and arrive to the point of giving you eat, even though they have little, are really caring individuals. Going to sound crazy, but in the poverty in which they live, learn to share and to help between them that they actually have a significant value.   

Many people confuse have education with academic titles, but that when viewing in the fund are people without essential values, that demonstrates that it is not individuals be more cultured, it is that a good education should be complete in all aspects, not only in the academic. It is really difficult to define if our societies would be generous, if all we had money, possibly if, as possibly no. I am still not quite clear in relation to this topic, but I would also like you to friends readers, give their opinion that think about that. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from pixabay.com

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