Echoes of the 2008 Stock Market Crash and Housing Meltdown? By Gregory Mannarino

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Before I begin this article, let me say this. At the present time there appears to be a heavy dose of irrational exuberance associated with this stock market however, that does not mean that a crash or a meltdown is going to happen tomorrow. With that said, let's put a few things into perspective.

For those of us that lived through the 2008 stock market crash and housing meltdown, we are beyond any doubt hearing many of the same commitments being made by market participants, consumers, homebuilders, and the mainstream financial pundits today.
The loudest echo that I hear making it to the mainstream is home builder sentiment, which if you recall right at the top of the housing bubble was in a state of obvious irrational exuberance. Right at the top of the housing bubble, when everyone was gleeful that homebuilder sentiment was skyrocketing, the bubble burst. Consumer confidence was also climbing right at the top of the 2008 bubble. Moreover, again right at the top of the 2008 market crash, consumer credit, and subsequent consumer debt, was eerily familiar to what we are seeing today.
The rise of cryptocurrency, the "in our face," deliberate suppression of the price action of gold and silver by the major banks by using derivatives (many have been caught red handed doing this) are also in my view big tells that we may indeed be close to yet another meltdown in the capital markets.

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