Has The "Debt Reset" Already Begun? The US Dollar Hits A 30 Month Low VS Euro. By Gregory Mannarino

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The mainstream media continues to ignore the plunging dollar as it hits a 2.5 year low versus the Euro...

While the plunging dollar is (for now) a stock market supporting factor, it has the potential to turn on a dime.
With people like former Fed. President Alan Greenspan now saying "The Debt Is In A Bubble," the clock is ticking louder for a major Debt Reset-which includes the Dollar as a unit of debt.

Has this "reset" already begun?

With the Dollar continuing to dive along with the flattening yield curve, one could argue that a debt reset has indeed begun.

It is certainly no secret, at least for those of you who follow this blog, that we are existing in a environment of financial extremes. Malinvestment across the spectrum of asset classes now exist because The Federal Reserve has artificially suppressed interest rates for the better part of a decade, creating bubbles to the upside as well as inverse bubbles.

The fact is simple: these distortions which exist across all the markets will correct to fair value at one point and again, one could certainly argue that a "Debt Reset" has already started...

So the question remains, has a debt reset already begun?

What to you think?

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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