Lions, Stock Market Updates Plus: Gold, Silver, Dollar, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

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Wednesday, July 5th, 2017. Opening bell 20 minutes ago.

Both the DOW and S&P 500 down fractionally, Nasdaq up fractionally.
Both Silver & Gold derivatives are down.
Crude down slightly.
Dollar is higher.
Cash is coming out of bonds with the 10 year yield now 2.347
Volatility ticking higher.

With regard to my last 2 stock picks, at this time both FB and AAPL are higher although not by any significant amount-(I am still net long these positions but they are hedged). Click here:

After Mondays move into, then abruptly out of tech, I remain very cautions with regard to the tech sector. In fact with the dynamics I listed above, especially with rates ticking higher along with volatility, overall we need to be watching for short term pressure across equities but watch for reversals moving forward.
I will keep you updated.

Gregory Mannarino
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