Lions! Watch For A Rebound In Financial Stocks. By Gregory Mannarino

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My beautiful Lions! I am back.

As most of you know, I have been in the process of moving over the past several days.. moving is a real drag.

Anyway with that out-of-the-way, it's back to business and we need to be watching the financial sector!

It is obviously no secret that financial stocks have been under pressure over the past several weeks beginning with Goldman Sachs however, in my view the financial sector is over sold and will present some screaming opportunities to buy as this week progresses.

Specifically I am looking at ticker XLF, (the ETF that follows the financial sector). Although at the time I am writing this article it may be too early to get in on XLF, I am watching it very closely looking for an opportunity to pounce!

So my Lions, put XLF on your radar screen.

As always, the moment I enter a position here I will post it on my website Click here:

Happy hunting my Lions!

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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