The Bond Market Is Flashing A Warning, But Is Anyone Listening? By Gregory Mannarino

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OK my pride of lions, I think it's time for me to give you a visual as to what is occurring in the bond/debt market, and the current flattening yield curve.

First allow me define for you what it means to have a flattening yield curve, and why it's important.

A Flattening of the yield curve is a situation that describes the relationship between short and long-term bonds (debt).
Generally a 30 year bond would have a greater yield then let's say a 10 year bond. The higher yield is offered to the investor because of the risk associated with holding a Long term debt instrument.

All the talk, even from the mainstream financial media about the current flattening yield curve comes down to this: it indicates that there is growing concern among investors regarding the longer-term macro economic outlook-it is just that simple.

Have a look at this first chart below.
This is an example of what a normal yield curve looks like, this particular chart is from 2004.
2004 normal yield curve.png

Now have a look at this other chart below.
This is our current yield curve. Notice anything?
current flattening curve.png

What this says to me, and should say to you as well, is the longer-term macro economic outlook is not as blissful as the mainstream financial Pundits would like you to believe.

Well seeing is believing, and after getting a visual on the differences between a normal yield curve and our current situation, what do you think about this?

Gregory Mannarino
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