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This is how to be RICH !

The internet has become a great place to make money, many earners work online and make very large amounts of payments.


Earning online is not so difficult as you think , you can monetize your own skills and earn cash easily. These are few ways for you to earn money online :

  • Freelance : There are many platforms online witch provide making money by using your skills such as Freelancer, Elance, Upwork... So, if you are a good designer or a good musician, you can carry out the tasks required by others for a certain amount.
  • Investing in Stock : there are many platforms that provide the possibility of investing in stocks online, such as Etoro where you can start investing with only 10$.
  • Resale: yes this is a kind of investment online, you will wait reductions deals from companies and online stores, buy their products then you will sell it after the end of the deal. By this method you may win up to twice as much spent on money.
  • Make yourself famous : You can do it by making and posting videos online (Youtube, Dailymotion…), or starting your own blog. By this method, you will start step by step receiving traffic and views to your content, and by that your income keep rising.
  • Bitcoin mining : You can use your money to buy bitcoin and start earning more with bitcoin mining sites, you can make very large amounts if you work for a long time.
  • Do micro-jobs : There are many sites witch provide earning money by doing micro-jobs such as dollarsincome. You will take simple and easy tasks like writing posts or making reviews, follows in tweeter or likes in facebook... .You can make large amounts with this methode.
    Now you’ve got many different options to start earning online. If you saw something that really interests you, try it out and learn more about it, then start receiving your money.
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