If You're PRO Capitalism Do You Support BIG Government? Can capitalism exist without the other? A short thought exercise!

"I cant wait for the day the we return to a true capitalistic society. Our politicians are rapidly..."(sic)

This and countless sound-bytes like it (Such as the 'misunderstandings of capitalism' floating around the inter-webs (steem) is what inspired me to clarify that Big Government is a necessary product of Capitalism. In fact, the more capitalist we become, the bigger government we will get!


"One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."

"No, that's not capitalism. That's cronycapitalism."

Yes, but who's the crony in capitalism?

Successful capitalists of course!


"Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned." - Ayn Rand

Sure thing Ayn, but who is going to defend/secure this private property?

One cannot own more than one can physically use(or defend) without outsourcing this defense to a state element. Capitalism (ownership of property, and assets) inherently requires a state in order to defend said ownership.

"Well, that's not true... Wealthy capitalists could just hire armed guards (militaries) to defend all their private property which they just decided was theirs..."

Perfect, so you're proposing we devolve back to warring factions where the one with the most fire-power wins?!

The Inherent Flaws of Ownership

"In Short"

All ownership is predicated on a crime. Where at some point in history (not so long ago) resources and land that were never owned suddenly became owned. This crime is the foundation for our entire capitalist system. Ownership of stolen goods!

Kings once legitimized their right to own from the Gods. To what Gods do capitalists gain their legitimacy?

If we have a system that not only allows but promotes ownership and use of all forms of capital; in which this capital can be used to acquire more capital. Then we have a corruption/domination encouraging feedback loop! Where those who own, will own more and gain more power over the rest. This power can and is used to gain more power and more capital. This is what capitalism has successfully been doing since its inception!

That's it. There is no way around this. That is unless you want to set up a central body to prevent this from happening (we can call it a 'government')... but of course, then the government gets corrupted by the power wielded by the capitalists, and you end up with what we see today! Crony-capitalism where the big government supports big business in its quest to subjugate the world!

The system the founders of the U.S. created led to the by-product of what we have today. It was not an aberration. Merely an evolution. If we revert back to any previous system we have seen, it will result in bringing about the same problems we are seeing today!

There is no such thing as a "broken system", a system creates exactly what it's designed to do. If the outcome is qualitatively undesirable, then the system will need to be re-designed.


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