When you're NOT a whale..

Even if you're not a dolphin it might seem like the SAME people are getting all of the money ALL the time.. while your sitting over here busting your @ for hours everyday earning nothing!

It seems like if you want to be successful on here you have to make a name for yourself!

For some reason I feel like I am drawn more to the names of the already successful people on Steemit..

Now I'm not proud of this, because I know it is very important to support the NEW content coming in by all of these new users encouraging them to stay!

So even though it might seem like the same people are the only ones getting all of the upvotes over and over again..

There are new people that are making good posts, and are earning a lot of money too!

In a recent post by @piedpiper he talks about how the first make-up tutorial made so much money..

Because it brought something NEW to Steemit.. and even though a lot of good content is getting over looked there is always another chance to make a new post :D

So be happy that you are still in at Steemit's early stage, because who knows how high it will skyrocket in the future!

And remember it's all about creating good content, and even if 99 posts make nothing you just need 1 to be a success!

As always feel free to leave your links in the comments!


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