Steemit Helping @antonette From Being a Homeless Mother - accepting BEYONDBITS & WHALESHARES to donate

Thank you to @stellabelle and the steemit community for helping @antonette


First I want to thank @stellabelle for bringing this to our attention so that we may all help. This is yet another great example of the power of steem and what we can do together! Will be donating all the liquid rewards from this post to @antonette for her family and her business.


Within just five hours her post has reached a potential payout of about $222.33 in 7 days!

She is a single Mom with three children finding herself in need and reached out to the steemit community asking for help. There is one week to pay her rent due to an eviction notice and other factors that have brought on difficulties.

I found your post on Twitter tonight by a user named flyingcamm. Without that Tweet, i may not have seen this. ~ @stellabelle

Many sprung into action leaving comments and sending donations!

Donating 285.889 SBD and 129.572 STEEM within hours!

1 hour ago Receive 14.000 SBD from @kafkanarchy84 God bless!
1 hour ago Receive 1.000 SBD from @openparadigm I wish you the best of luck!

Sorry to hear of your situation @antonette. We stand behind you to help however we can. Upvoted and Resteemed. I also sent you some SBD and hope it will help!
2 hours ago Receive 30.000 SBD from @cloh76 for you and your children. I hope this helps

2 hours ago Receive 1.000 STEEM from @matthewdavid

Kapit lang! take your kids to health center nearby. They can help.
3 hours ago Receive 2.000 SBD from @st3llar For your kids. God bless you. Kapit! :)

beks don't give up. Everything will be okay. Everything happens for a reason. This time will pass. You just gotta be strong. We are here for you. And I'll be praying for you and your children.
3 hours ago Receive 10.000 SBD from @lgfurmanczyk I'll be praying for you. You're a great mom. Just be strong beks.

Your Steemit family is behind you! Continue to be the best mother you can be. God bless!
3 hours ago Receive 5.000 SBD from @shellany This is not much but for your family sis, a mother's love knows no bounds. :)

Wow, Antonette, you are so brave and such a strong person. I've only talked to you a few times in chat so I didn't know your struggle. I'm so glad you reached out to your family here on Steemit.
3 hours ago Receive 10.000 STEEM from @sevenstars You're a good mother and you're not alone.

I hope that we can all help you Antonette . Sent a small donation too. lots of love and prayers going your way.
3 hours ago Receive 10.000 SBD from @hopehuggs A small donation for you , I hope it helps. Sent with lots of love

We just sent you a bit of SBD as well to help you through this troubling time in addition to the feature post this will be included in today.
4 hours ago Receive 8.000 SBD from @teamphilippines Here is a gift from @teamphilippines #teamphilippines, we hope it will help you with your current struggles.

We got your back!
4 hours ago Receive 5.000 SBD from @shrey Stay Strong :)

I know the feeling, we are family here and we share what we have. I have a little sum of sbd on my wallet, I hope this could contribute for your bills. Sorry, it's so small.
4 hours ago Receive 1.635 SBD from @exx007 please accept my contribution, that 's only what I have.

Stay strong Antonette! You look like a very good person. Steem seems to think so too. I sent you a gift. Take care!
Thanks to my friend Stella for bringing this post to my attention.
4 hours ago Receive 100.000 STEEM from @teamsteem

I've sent you a little something. Don't give up. The tables turn, so just hold on long enough!
4 hours ago Receive 10.000 SBD from @dimitrisp Here's a little something. Good luck and I hope everything turns out great!

Keep us up to date. H. G.
4 hours ago Receive 55.000 SBD from @henry-gant We will help. from Your Steemit family

I have resteemed it! My votes dont count much!
4 hours ago Receive 7.000 SBD from @alexkoshy Hey, I have only 7 SBD, Its nothing, I know but, that is all I got! You will be in our prayers! God bless

bekz dont! don't give up your kids! you can do it! i upvoted you 100% and im goin to send you sbd..It's very hard to be far away from your kids especially thay they grew up with you. I hope everything will get better. why didnt u tell about this when met? i could have gave u some what u need. Keep fighting bekz. Never surrender. I know you're brave.
4 hours ago Receive 10.000 SBD from @haleyaerith I know this is very little but i hope this can help you

I have resteemed it! My votes dont count much!
4 hours ago Receive 5.000 SBD from @alex-icey I know its a little but I hope it helps

So sad to hear your story keep it strong dear @antonette everything soon gonna be okey, just have a little something for you at least adds up, God bless you and your kids.
4 hours ago Receive 2.254 SBD from @reroelbuton Stay strong...

My voting power is a little low right now. I sent you a small donation. We are all rooting for you! I hope your children feel better.
4 hours ago Receive 25.000 SBD from @hanshotfirst I hope this donation helps you and your children. Stay strong!

I am sad to hear of your situation. Please do no lose hope. Keep fighting. My voting power is very small but have sent you a donation from my earnings. Will try to keep sending more in future as my liquid SBD balance increases. @stellabelle - Thanks for resteeming this and your generous support. I would have missed this article but for it.
5 hours ago Receive 5.000 SBD from @vm2904 A small help from my side.Good luck

5 hours ago Receive 18.572 STEEM from @robrigo Hope you figure it out.

First thing to do, comment here, I'll upvote every comment you make.
5 hours ago Receive 50.000 SBD from @stellabelle hope this helps

@virtualgrowth followed suit in upvoting @antonette's comments

Good luck to you. I hope things get better. Sent you a donation.
5 hours ago Receive 30.000 SBD from @donkeypong Donation. Good luck to you.

Great appreciation of everyone. Will be donating all the liquid STEEM from this post. Off to sleep through my ringing ears and happy to have found this opportunity to help those in need. Anyone may donate to @antonette like others that have already. Am also accepting BEYONDBITS & WHALESHARES which will be used to upvote her post on the 5th day, two days before payout day or when I receive 100 of either. These may be sent to virtual-growth on bitshares with memo of or including: donation or antonette.

Much Gratitude to All,

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