GPT, PTC and so on: Are you really earning by "Doing what you do everyday"?

Now: do you watch irritating ads and buy products you don't want everyday?

What are GPTs and PTCs?

They are two acronymus. 

GPT = Get Paid To (aka subscribe to websites, buy products and get a small % as an earning, watch ads, fill surveys, etc.)

PTC = Paid To Click (click ads to get paid)

They seems great and they're, sadly, the most common useless things users go into. It's easy to refer people to them (since they're free) and it's easy to say the magic words:

"That's what you do everyday. Why don't get paid for it?".

Are you kidding me? 

Now... I'm not saying they're bad. They're not bad (they do what they can with the audience they attract) and they're mostly not a scam. 

But that's not the point.

I just hate that sentence because it's used in so many scams around the web.


"Post on Facebook - LIKE you do everyday!" -> NO. I don't sponsor products I don't know anything about everyday. I don't do that on Facebook, do you? 

"Watch these videos like on Youtube but get paid instead!" -> Oh come on. Do you really think I watch the new ad from Lamborghini on Youtube? Really? Are you serious? 

"Subscribe to awesome newsletters you would have joined anyway" -> Usually, it's false.

"View websites... that's what you do on your daily routine" -> I know it sounds crazy, but I don't go out to visit random websites on a daily basis. Really. Maybe it's just me but... nope, I don't.

... ok, but you would earn something!




Yeah. You're going to get some money. And, if your goal online is to be able to buy some new candies once a year - that's perfect for you!

But if you want to start your earnings online (being it a side income or a full income), I don't suggest you to even try those systems.

They're made to gain referrals, nothing more. There are scripts that lets you do them in no time. 

So they're definitely not going to make you earn big incomes. You can expect to earn ONLY with referrals but, if you're valuable in your contents (enough to get referrals), you should probably use your talent elsewhere.

We're talking - usually - about less then HALF a cent per view (a lot less) on ads and something from 1 cent to 3$ for surveys. But keep in mind they're not on a daily basis and that you're not going to qualify for all of them.

So... should I try? 

If you have spare time, yeah.

Just to keep in mind what's being sponsorized on the net. It's useful to recognize "1000$/day" scams and so on. I mean, it's still knowledge!

But don't think you're going to do "what you do everyday". You're going to work. You'll like the app 1 out of 10 times - the other times you just downloaded crap.

I don't know if that's what you do everyday :P 

See ya! 

PS: all images are courtesy of Pixabay and they're free of copyrights.

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