Monomad Monday Macro - Flowering tree

This is my first Monomad post. I have been charmed by many of these beautiful images over my 11 months on Steemit, and today I was inspired to join this fun project by @aksounder's captivating arachnid post.

Fun with black and white

Black and white photography brings out the essence of a thing, which can otherwise be almost hidden by the garishness of color. Don't get my wrong. I am a huge fan of color. But I find that stripping it away lays bare the raw beauty of objects and things in nature.

I took this picture today on a lunchtime walk in a little town near my office that seems to still be trying to enter the 21st century. I came upon a giant tree, incongruously placed in a tiny yard, and its burst of white flowers took my breath away.

I currently don't have a good camera at my disposal, so this was taken with my iPhone 6S.


Springtime starts late here in Minnesota. We had our last snow storm one month ago, and we are finally taking off our jackets and watching spring explode all around us. Can't you almost smell the springtime sweetness in those flowers?

About Monomad

Monomad is organized by @brumest. To join the monochrome madness, see the original post for the guidelines.

The basic task is to share an original monochrome photograph on Steemit, following the daily topic list below, and use the #monomad tag.

Monomad daily topics
Monday: Macro
Tuesday: Street
Wednesday: Abstract
Thursday: Animals
Friday: Flowers
Saturday: Silhouettes
Sunday: Skies

I guess I need to come up with another flower picture for Friday!

Thanks for visiting and happy Spring.


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