When blossoms fall like snow: monomad

You know what they say about daily habits? Me neither.

That said, I have in fact posted a monomad picture every day this week. I've discovered that I enjoy the challenge, even though I'm probably tormenting people's eyes with my amateur work.

Black, white and gray

Why do they call it "black and white" when it's actually "black, white, and gray"? And "monochrome" is equally confusing, as it indicates "one color." Well which one are they talking about -- black, white, or gray?

I have to go look this up......... Okay I'm back. According to a Quora article by a guy named Hunter McCord who works at Amtrak (or at least he claimed to have been gainfully employed by said company back in 2014), "All black and white images are monochrome images, but not all monochrome images are black and white. For example, a monochrome image might consist of black on yellow."

That actually makes sense, right? Except wait. If black and white are not considered colors (chrome) in monochrome (one color) images containing a color such as yellow, then how could "all black and white images be monochrome images" since they are only black and white? Ponder that one!

But let's get back to the content of the article by our friend Hunter McCord, who wanted to help us understand the difference between monochrome and grayscale. I must share his next statement, amusing typo and all: "Graysacle is a method of representing black and white images on a computer. Grayscale images are represented using only 256 shades of gray rather than the full pallet of colors."

Perhaps auto-correct hadn't been invented yet.

I bet I can Google it. Hang on......... Okay I'm back. According to a New York Times article by one Daniel Engber (no clue where he was employed), dated June 6, 2014, "The idea of fixing text as it's typed dates back to the 19060s." He goes on to say that various techniques have been employed on computers since like 1991 and on mobile phones since 1995.

So, Mr. McCord, there's evidently no excuse for coining the term "graysacle."

My monomad image of the day

Here's my monomad photo for today's "flowers" theme. All of the flowering trees around here are bursting into blossom at this moment. This is what the roads look like all around them, as the blossoms fall like snow.


Thank you for indulging me in weird ponderings about black, white, gray, and monochrome!

About Monomad

Monomad is organized by @brumest. To join the monochrome madness, see the original post for the guidelines.

The basic task is to share an original monochrome photograph on Steemit, following the daily topic list below, and use the #monomad tag.

Monomad daily topics
Monday: Macro
Tuesday: Street
Wednesday: Abstract
Thursday: Animals
Friday: Flowers
Saturday: Silhouettes
Sunday: Skies

Thanks for visiting and happy Spring.


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