I've been playing with monochrome again today, what a blast!
Here are a couple of new photos taken today specifically for the daily #monomad photo contest, sponsored by @brumest & @monochromes. Both photos were taken with an Olympus EM-5 Mk ii and a Nikon 24mm lens on an adapter and using manual focus.
The Swiss Barbershop
I never noticed the flags before today. I had my camera set to display monochrome in the viewfinder, but seeing this I imagined a coloursplash image... black, white, and red!
Oly EM-5 Mk II, 1/500s ISO200, 24mm, f/2.8
Alien Abduction???
MISSING!!! When I saw this pole with the painted human outlines and the missing poster I somehow imagined an alien abduction movie with bodies being levitated into a flying saucer... Not to worry though. The poster is actually about a missing black cat, nothing to do with missing people or flying saucers.
Oly EM-5 Mk II, 1/1600s ISO200, 24mm, f/2.8
The above photos are for the daily #monomad photo contest, sponsored by @brumest & @monochromes. Thanks very much for taking a look!
The new camera that I can't shut up about!
New camera body, old lenses... more fun than i've had in a long, long time! :)
Please be sure to check out my latest posts:
* A Day Late And A Dollar Short!
* MonochromeMonday ~ E-Type Jaguar ~ Film Noir Style
* Sublime Sunday ~ Dinner ~ Sunset Harbour Walk ~ Wizard and Gnome sighting
* The Petals #flowers Contest
* Seeing Monochome Through The Viewfinder