Memories from abroad - Darker side of Bangkok

Dark side of thailand.jpg

I got to see a different side of Bangkok, one that few tourists ever do.

And it was all thanks to a chance encounter. I mean, I know people hear about the prostitute bars, the drugs, the crime, but how many people have a chance encounter that turns into a full on tour of the darkest corners of the city?

I did. And it all started while I was crossing the border into Laos to renew my Thai visa. I met a man, let's call him J. He was the kind of guy you'd expect to meet on this side of the world. Friendly, yet rough, experienced, and to the point. He shot the shit, but didn't take any. An Australian miner with a history of acting with some really big names, this guy knew his way around the city.

I'm not sure if I would call him a sex tourist or not

But when I first came to chill at his place he was living with a prostitute. Apparently trying to reform her. A popular activity for many people who live in Bangkok. I never got to know her though as she disapeared after one night of my crashing there. He was taking some time off from mining, just relaxing in a small pad in an unremarkable apartment building. Lost among countless other identical places.

I got like a thousand stories about the week of chilling in Bangkok with him and his friends. But this particular image reminds me of the day he took me to the oldest prostitute bar in Bangkok. We were on our way to grab some food before our escapade. Before food he wanted to snag a couple beers to warm up and took me to a little nook where the locals gathered.

And, by locals I mean

The people who worked at, ran, and frequented those places of ill repute. To everyone it was business as usual. Another insert day of week, another beer, another visit to the pleasure houses. Whether to work or to partake. As we sat down I knew this would probably be one of the more unique drinking experiences of my life. Not for the quality, but the rarity.

The characters were unique, but still felt like they came off of some warped assembly line. A man talking to a working girl on her off hours, joking about the trade. Two girls laughing back and forth in Thai while slamming back beers. Beautiful, feminine in their looks, but real in their mannerisms. The world an open book not coated in sweet frosting. Other aged men, planning their night, open in all respects to what they were going to do.

But the beer was cold

And the stories J was laying on me unbelievable to the point of believability. After all, this was Thailand. And Murray Head sang about it best. One Night in Bangkok makes the hard man humble... damn, they could not have been more accurate. And my night hadn't even begun.

Thanks for dropping by and catching this memory of mine. I was inspired to write about it because of @brumest's #monomad B&W photo contest. I was seeking an image that fit the category, street, and evoked strong emotional feedback in me. This story/stories with a lot more of 'em, hehe. Wish I had more pics, but there are places you just don't pull out a camera.

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