A Solitary Radar Station - MonoMad


Taken from a low-to-the-ground position adjacent to the South-Western cliffs of Malta, circa March 2017... is the following image.


I personally feel that the surroundings of a building can really bring out certain emotions better - such as the relative loneliness of this radar station.

Great weather again. A strong breeze was blowing and I'm pretty sure that this was the occasion that we ran into hang-gliders. Kind of surprised that I didn't take a moment to photograph them.

A rather imposing view from this angle, the radar station likely serves a dual purpose in air-traffic control as well as keeping an eye on the weather. Maybe more - who knows with a boundary wall like that?

Again, I enhance the contrast through a simple overlay of a duplicated layer in Paint.NET. Also resized to 600x800 for sanity's sake. No other modifications made.

This is my Tuesday entry for @brumest's MonoMad Photographic Contest (this week's theme - Buildings).

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