A Tower of Light and Good Fortune - MonoMad


Taken upon the port dock of Cittavecchia in central Italy, February 2016... is the following image.


A deep blue afternoon sky - it does not feel like February as the rays of the Sun play upon the surface of this charming little tower.

Looking upon it and appreciating the complete contrast with the modern dock surrounding it, I could not quite decide if it was intended primarily as a light tower or as a religious symbol of good luck for seafarers upon the waves. I personally feel that it is old enough that it once was relied upon to guide ships into port at night and in poor visibility weather.

I had a bit of a hard time locating it upon the map as its located rather awkwardly half-way down a breakwater. This suggests that the breakwater has since been extended following the tower's building - and it is retained as a nod to the origins of the port. As a person who can be sentimentally-inclined, I appreciate such efforts to preserve elements of the past seemingly long after they would have outlived their original purpose.

Again, I enhance the contrast through a simple overlay of a duplicated layer in Paint.NET. Doing so tends to add contrast to most kinds of images. Also resized to 600x800 for sanity's sake. No other modifications made.

This is my Friday entry for @brumest's MonoMad Photographic Contest (this week's theme - Buildings).

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