📷Monthly Author Challenge #6.19 DBS Vickers is a disappointment | DBS Vickers 真失败😎(by @ace108)


Last week, I took some time off to sell a unit trust (or mutual fund for my American friends). At Marina Bay Financial Centre, the security counter sent me to 3rd floor and I took a queue number and waited for a long time. Even did not go toilet but end up they let someone cut my queue. Crap. Even the colleague next to the lady serving me mention the guy cut queue. My turn. Went in and showed my statement from the fund house and told her I want to sell my unit trust. She said she don’t do that and called someone. Then told me only one person who has the form is out for lunch and don’t know when will be back. For goodness sake, it’s already 2pm. I told her not acceptable that only one person can do this and that person is not around with no ETA.

After some more calls, she came back to say she don’t do the transaction and will refer me to someone from DBS which is actually a different entity altogether. The lady from DBS told me she can try to to the transaction but cannot confirm it will be successful.

Frustrated, I decided to call the fund house myself. The lady who answer give her name and took down my number and told me will check and get back to me soon.

Next, I decided to go the security counter to tell them what I need done and the 3rd floor people cannot do it for me. They took my ID in exchange for an access card and asked me to go to 10th floor. Up there, the glass door was looked. After looking around for a while I tried my access card and was surprised the door open. So, I walked in like the boss. There was nobody around other than the guy at the window with the nice view here busy doing whatever he was doing.

Then I just walked in. There was totally no security anyway. Ended up in the end where what is a mail room. Inside there seems to be full of dealers but I spoke one guy who seem to be the security cum mail guy. He brought me back down to 3rd floor and said they should do it there. So, one big round and waiting for the some lady again.

Meanwhile, another person from DBS Vickers by the name of Serene called and told me the fund house has contacted her and they are still figuring what to do. Next a call from the fund house and told me they have spoken to DBS Vickers and they have to do the sell transaction for me. I waited for the same lady and I told to contact Serene. Serene called and email her a form for me to fill. Meanwhile I was in this booth with her and she allowed people to interrupt. One guy was dropping a cheque in.

Then a couple of ladies who looked likes her co-worker just barge in asked her for something. What the hell happens to client privacy? I’m tempted to asked the Monetary Authority of Singapore what they think of these incidents.
In between, she saw the cheque and asked the two ladies was it their cheque and who left the cheque the. You think I was going to volunteer any information to help them?

DBS Vickers

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Byvw9VrWm

😞In my honest opinion, DBS Vickers proved to me to be nothing by total failure in delivery on that day and for the record, it was 14th June, 2018. If you are thinking of opening an account with them, I’ll just say “You’ve been warned.”

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the second of the 4 violin concertos, called Summer.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第2首,名为“夏天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

https://soundcloud.com/alan-chang-563971986/2213-vivaldi-four-concerti-grossi-op8-ii-l-estate-allegro-adagio-presto Source: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/ Violin Concerto in G minor, RV 315 'Summer' - Complete Concerto

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

Rules | 规则

Here are the Rules of the Steemit Monthly Author Challenge I shamelessly lifted from @future24, made some edit and translated to Chinese too.


If you like to use this above image with the rules in your post, get it from this link:
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Bkxl9riVzf
For English only version of the rules, get it from this link:
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rJ-NpxqkQG
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rJzV6l5JXf

That’s it, join the fun and enjoy the ride.



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SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108


I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.

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