[Makemesmile] Universal Studio Singapore 环球影城家庭日

Thank You @elizacheng for the makemesmile contest.

Last weekend was my company HPE and HP Inc Family day event at Universal studio Singapore(USS). This was the third time my company having family day event in USS. Employee get the ticket at sgd15, while family at sgd20. Not too bad because it include sgd15 meal voucher for each ticket.


Last 2 years the event start around 6pm. This year the event start at 415pm, which mean we can have more time to play! We reached around 430pm but still see super long queue! Not that bad we was able to get in the theme park around 530pm. Mostly important must drop my lucky draw ticket!


Met the minions!

Let me share with you some of the rides we took that night!

First ride was Spaghetti Space Chase, kids definitely love it! We have waited 30 mins for the ride!

After that we went for dinner at Mel's Drive in. First time dining at this restaurant, and environment are nice too!

The black burger
Nice police car outside

We took this beautiful picture before the sky turn dark.

Next ride was Madagascar ride which was suitable for kids.

Dreamworks Shrek 6D movie is a MUST watch! At least have watched for 3 times already, one year once still okay.

830pm was the opening ceremony and lucky draw time for our family event. Most of us gathered in front of the Library. Still no luck to win any prize this year!

Transformer ride also one of the BEST ride, really SHIOK! Normally the queue is very long for this one, but everytime we chose the single rider so NO waiting time! Because one of us will need to look after the kids then the other can go and play! haha

So Happy my kids tried their Roller coaster for the first time! We have never take this Puss in Boots Giant Journey before. Since there is no queue and they are tall enough to take the ride, we just chiong! Of course my son was scared and cover his eyes during the ride. Great that non of them cry during the ride! So proud of them haha!

As usual we skipped the Revenge of the mummy & Sci-Fi city Roller coaster. Those are too scary even for adults! The kids not even want to pass by that area.

Overall i think worth the price! we were having so much fun and took almost close to 10 rides. The last ride we took the Elmo Spaghetti Space Chase again! we left the Park at 12am! wow!


上周六参加了我公司惠普的家庭日,今天已经是第三年在环球影城进行。因为环球影城的反应特别热烈吧!之前其他地点的家庭日我都没有参与因为还要付钱的!哈哈。环球影城的票就比较贵,sgd70-80左右。我们的票价为sgd15,家庭成员则sgd20。这还算值得因为还包含了晚餐卷sgd15一个人。我们玩了将近10个游戏,觉得超值了。第一个和最后一个玩的是elmo的小孩子特别喜欢。其他的madasgacar船也是没有危险适合小孩子玩的。transformer是最热门的景点,有时要排队超过一个小时。但是因为孩子们不能玩,我们两公婆每次都是去到单人通道,只要有空为就可以进去玩了。这样省了好多时间!美丽城堡是我非常喜欢的地方!很梦幻!那里有Shrek的6D电影也是一定要观看的!不然就白来了,我们看了好几次一年一次还好啦!这次的突破是孩子们第一次坐过山车!那个Puss in Boots Giant Journey之前我们都没有机会坐,这次因为到晚上12点,11过后很多搭公共交通的都离开了,很多景点都不需要排队我们就乘机试一试。其实爱玩的是爸妈!小时候哪里有机会来这种地方!这次还是跳过了埃及的木乃伊和sci-fi的红蓝过山车。记得第一次来环球影城带了家公家婆,那时女儿还小。我们都轮流进去玩,那时先让家公家婆去玩木乃伊报仇记。他们出来之后说了一句吓死了!然后我和老公进去玩,我俩也被吓到了!外面完全看不出来那么可怕!我们还让两个老人家先玩,幸好没事。这次我们玩得很尽兴,晚上12点才出来!儿子还不忘了和hello kitty拍照!隔天我们都累坏了,睡到10点才起身!希望大家喜欢我的介绍也让你笑了!

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