GK's Trip to the Moon

Friends, I have a story to tell.

Last night, I went to the moon.


The ETH Moons of Bitcoinia

Lastnight BTC crashed and ETH soared. Since I have been witness to some of the earliest BTC crashes, I decided to stay up late and watch this one take place fully knowing that BTC will correct and the world isn't ending. although I didn't always feel that way about BTC.

BTC used to crash and people were like "IT'S THE END OF TECHNOLOGY" and they'd run around waving their arms around and saying BTC is a pyramid scheme. Now a 3000%+ increase, depending what time segment you're looking at, and global super powers are talking about using BTC as economic stimulus. Regardless I played the market a bit, made about $60 and now I await BTC's return.

That's Not The Only Thing Moooning~

@gktown is approaching HIT 200 followers
Edit: Thank you all so much

This account only began about 2 weeks ago, and it is absolutely mind blowing to me that I've made so many friends in such a short time. And if we haven't met yet, reach out to me in the comments, lets connect!

Thank you all who have taken the time to read, follow and comment.

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