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What I think about being the most hated man on Steemit

Well, if it wasn't because I spoke out against some of the most powerful people here because of their theft in Steem-Guild.. people are upset at me for registering a thousand accounts. Unknowing to them I have donated hundreds of accounts to various groups and people. Most of the hatred towards me is because of misunderstanding but some is for legitimate reasons. I am not perfect. I've trolled people in the past to get them to show their true colors. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures. I am a Soldier for Truth. I am not perfect, in fact I am a @wrecking-ball sometimes. But I will keep fighting for those who cannot speak for themselves. Speaking against genocidal racism against the Jews and other horrendous belief systems until my death. If someone is hurting others or being a misfit I am going to be all up in their face making it difficult for them to proceed. And when I am wrong I am happy that others do the same. If I am the target for these trolls that is wonderful. Then they have less SP to troll others and everyone else can be at peace. I will take a hit for the team. God bless Steemit.

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

  • Proverbs 9:9
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