David McClelland motivation file

Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It represents the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa.

Contemporary motivation theory

Contemporary motivation theory is not a theory that was developed recently, but the theory that describes the condition of the current thinking in explaining employee motivation

Theory needs McClelland

-need for achievement: the urge to go beyond, to achieve the standards, striving for success.
-power needs: the need to make other people behave in such a way that they will not behave otherwise. -affiliated needs: the desire to establish an interpersonal relationship that is friendly and familiar.

Area human motivation

Four major areas of human motivation is food, love, sex, and pencapaian.Tujuan-purpose underlying motivation is determined solely by the individual who did it, the individual is considered aspire to achieve the purpose for intrinsic motivation (the desire achieve their specific activity or purely for pleasure or the satisfaction of doing the activity), or because of extrinsic motivation, namely the desire to pursue a goal that is caused by external rewards. fsktor besides that there are also others who support them are internal factors that come from within oneself.


According Zurnali Cut (2004), the motives are the factors that cause people to behave or be specific. So try to answer questions such as what needs to be tried to be satisfied by someone? What causes them to do any work or activity. This  means that every individual has a need that is in itself (inner needs)  that causes them to be encouraged, pressured or motivated to fulfill it.  Certain needs that they feel will determine their actions.

Further  Cut Zurnali cites the opinion of Fremout E. Kast and James E.  Rosenzweig (1970) which defines motive as: a motive what prompts a  person to act in a Certain way or at least develop appropensity for  speccific behavior. The urge to action can tauched off by an external stimulus, or it can be internally generated in individual thought processes. So the motive is an impulse that comes from within oneself to do or at  least is a tendency to donate a certain action or behavior.
William G Scott (1962: 82) explains the motive is unsatisfied needs that push individuals to achieve specific goals. A  complete according to Scott motive motives are unsatiesfied need  roomates prompt an individual toward the accomplishment of goals  aplicable. Based  on the above it can be said, motive is the impetus that exist within a  person to do anything to meet unsatisfied satisfaction. Moreover,  Maslow, as revealed on the previous page divided human needs into some  hierarchy, namely the physical needs, safety and security, social,  awards or prestige and self-actualization needs.

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