Motivation Moment #14 - "A BIG Mistake!"

There are many mistakes you and I can make in Life.

One BIG mistake is "Waiting".


I'm sure you've heard many people say, the "If Only..." statements

  • If only I left my Job...
  • If only my boss wasn't such an A#^hole...
  • If only I had the guts to start that Business...
  • If only I had bought that property or stock or investment...
  • If only my parents were less restrictive...
  • If only I worked harder on that relationship...
  • If only I gotten some Bitcoins...

Heck, I've said it too!!

You see, some may say it's all about "timing"; that 'it wasn't right' or 'it wasn't the optimum time'.

I totally Disagree!

The issue is (and will always be) about a Decision to Move Forward or a Choice to Wait.

Of course it is much safer waiting, just sitting, commenting and having a watch-and-see attitude. Some blame it on their Risk Appetite, Complacency and even... Indifference.

Some might even blame Others in their lives, as though they are waiting for the "Approval of Others".

As you and I wait... The Window of Opportunity or Decision becomes smaller and smaller. Until the waiting has eaten up all our chances.


Just like STEEMIT or DTUBE, many I've shared this to are saying... 'It's not for me', 'I'm no good at promoting my own content', 'I'm not a great writer', 'I don't have the time', 'I don't need that small change (money)', etc. And until they see people making good money and regret.

Most things in life comes by ACTIVELY taking Massive ACTION and not Massive Reflection!

Sometimes, we might need to learn to fly whilst building the plane along the way down.

Wow...that's risky. Yes, just like Elon Musk, there were no pre-requisites or competitors... for him to make reference to! He had to create a New Way of Leading the pact.


Remember, there is no perfect moment.
It's NOW or never.

Q: Are you ready to avoid that Big Mistake in your Life?

As for me, I'd rather be 5 years early than 5 years late!

Over to you now...

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day.

That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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