"Sunday Coffee & an Interesting Eavesdrop..." - Motivation Moment #30


Yes it's a Sunday, a good day to rest and have time for myself. It's also a day to have an Affogato, which was Yummy!!

I was planning to dive deep into a book and suddenly 3 Young University-going students sat right behind me. I did not plan to eavesdrop, but their topic just intrigued me (and they spoke so loudly) :)

One person was clearly the most vocal and opinionated one, sharing about his experience studying abroad in the UK. He sounded the most motivated amongst the 3, whilst the other 2 were just listening-in and a little clueless about the University experience.

Then it got more interesting as one person said... "I don't know why I'm going overseas"... "I don't know if I can make it, cause I'm not motivated"... and then another comment, "I was told that Uni is so so tough, I don't feel I'm prepared for it!"

At that point, I almost turned around to share with them about my take on Life and What's really Tough, etc. Glad I didn't.

It made me realize a few things...

  • Have we raised a generation that is "too sheltered" and have become so "unready" for challenges? or
  • Have we truly spent enough time to coach and mentor our next generation to face the harshness of reality? or
  • Perhaps, it's a time for them to explore, discover and obtain their own realization... about life!

Is the future in good hands? I believe so.

Why? It's going to be their future anyway... not ours to make of it.

But we need to offer our help and be available for them, as they take steps forward to Create their own History.

And that's why @karinzdailygrind, @maverickfoo and I are motivated to start this program called Live Your PURPOSE. Come join us, it's happening next Saturday 5th May 3-6pm. Hope to see you!

What an interesting Sunday so far... Have a great new week ahead!!

One Life. Live B R ⭐️V E

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day.

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