How to stay focussed

We have so many things going at the same time these days. Do you have a problem staying focussed when you are busy?

We under estimate the importance of focus. We even think that it is an art to multi task when in reality multi-tasking is the worst thing you can do.

Our focus drives everything and almost always determines whether or not we’ll experience a high quality of life and accomplish our goals in life.

Here are three ways to help you to stay focused in life:

  1. Make less decisions in your life.

The more decisions we make, the more tired our brain becomes and the less effective we are in the long run. The first thing you can do is stop browsing the internet, Youtube and Steemit. Browsing consumes a lot of brainpower. It drains your mental energy and reserves. It costs you not only your focus, but your willpower and future focal power as well. Limit your browsing to 1 thing and stop.

  1. Define your mission.

Without a mission, you will be doing to many things at a time. Most of it will be unimportant things. Figure out the steps ahead, take focused action, and be ruthless in minimizing time spent on anything else.

  1. Say NO to everything immediately, as a first response.

Don’t immediately commit to anything or tasks or requests. Check tasks against your mission and passions. Learn to say no to anything that doesn’t fire you up with excitement.

Staying focused is one of the most important skills in life. Focus on only one or two major things at a time. Engage on tasks that energize you and get you into the flow.

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Colin Brazendale


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