Motivation #11 God's Planning [Believe in God, Stay Positive, Have Faith]

God's Planning

Believe in God, Stay Positive, Have faith
It is a matter of a time that God's devotee says to God that you will be tired of standing in one place for many years in this temple. I can stand at your place for you as a statue for a day. You can come back after wandering sometime by taking my appearance.

God accepts but he has a condition that all those who come to pray, you just listen to them. Don't say anything. I have planned for all of them.

The devotee accepts and God goes after standing him in his place.

First of all, a businessman come to the temple and says that God, I have opened a company, please make it successful. When he touches God's feet, his wallet falls. He does not see the wallet and goes without picking the wallet. The devotee standing at God's place becomes restless but he does not tell him because of God's condition.
After that a poor man comes to the temple and says that O God, there is nothing to eat in the house, help something. Then, he sees the fallen wallet of the businessman. He pick that and thanks to God.

Now third person comes He is a seaman. He says to God that O God, i am going very far for the journey of fifteen days by driving a ship. Make a blessing so that there is no trouble in the journey.

At the same time, the businessman comes along with the police to the temple and says that this sailor has come into the temple after me and stolen my wallet. The police is carrying the seaman, then the devotee who stands in the place of God speaks and the whole truth tells to the police.

After listening to everything, the police leaves the seaman and after finding that poor man, the police carries that poor man and closes him in jail.

When the Lord comes in the night, the devotee happily tells to him all the talks. listening all of this, God becomes very angry and says that you have not created any work but have spoiled.

God says that That businessman does wrong work If his wallet falls, there is no effect on him. This reduced his sin because a poor person got that wallet. If that poor man got that wallet, his children would not starve. And the talk about that seaman, then the storm is about to come at that place where the seaman is going. If he lived in jail, his life would have been saved. His wife avoided to be a widow. You destroyed everything.

There are many such problems in our lives too and we feel that this is what happens to me, but keep in mind that God plan behind all of these problems.

Whenever there are problems in life, then we should not be disturbed because Whatever God does, he does everything good.

Everyday is a new opportunity. Some failures can not stop us. Many times it's happens with us that we can not getting do that what we want to do. And the result is that we leave that field. We feel that I am giving my 100% but perhaps something is happening wrong with me.

It's a big fault that we leave because we should always remember that we learn from every failure.

If we fail, we should not disappointed because There is a success in failure, What we do not getting understand.

We feel that I gave my 100% but we do not accept that there may be some mistakes of me.

So learn from every failure. Never loss your aim Because God has planned everything and it's not a good time so we are failing.

Rectify your mistakes, implement in yourself because One day God will bring a best time to me, when I'll prepare 100% and that day I'll be a winner.

Thankyou for giving me your valuable time. I hope you liked it.
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