Exams ! Big problem for students --- motivation ----must read

Exams ! The most difficult time phase of every student.Exams are basically for knowing how much have remember and how can we face difficult situation or problems.For other this five letter word is not meaningful but for a student this is more hurting than scoring no marks.Unfortunately not single student like to give exam no matter how much he has studied for exams.Students have interest in studies but when they have exams they think whole world is against them.They are not reluctant to give exam but they have developed a fear about will be happening next.
This fear is natural in every student and no one can deny is fact and yet no one have a solution to this fear.The stress of exams more challenging and gets double when it is the time for result.Every students knows how much he or she has written but still they believe and pray that they can score highest.This way they try to release their stress but that do not work for long as their family member start pressurizuig them before exams.Each and every parent want their child or children to score the highest marks and they do not understand that everyone is not same.If it is like that then every one should be on the same position , on the same stage , on the level but it is not like that every one have different mind.It is not like i am supporting students but parents also play a major role on performance of their children.
To over come this fear , each and evry student should study more and go out of the box so his or her parents will never get a chance to force him or her to study and student will not regret himself on his result.Along with this parents should support their children and also allow them to involve in other activities to so they can release their stess.

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