The Future Is Now, Not Tomorrow

Often times I hear people say that their future will be better than their today or that they have good plans for the future but I tend to withdraw in my shell to ask; what is the future all about that many are so excited about it?. I pondered within myself and this answer came in simple words

The future is the time difference in seconds between then and now

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Oh! Many may want to counter that simple definition but in the real sense that is exactly the true meaning of the future. The future is not years from now neither is it days or hours from now but the difference in seconds. As you are reading this article, you have left some past and now in the future.

So many of us had plans in the past and we say in the future, we would do this or that one. Now is that future you have being waiting for. Stop being part of the procrastination team but rather be among the action takers.

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Now is that future you need to get married. Stop saying when I get married in the future I will take care of my life. If you can't take care of your mother, sister or that female friend then am really sorry to say that the future may look more or less the collection of tales and fables.

Now is that future to think of how to make your life better in terms of finances. Stop blaming poverty and start to take action because you will never achieve anything in life by mere wishes but by actions.

Wishes can never be fulfilled in the next seconds if you do not take the needed action now. Stretch out yourself from your comfort zone and go out for impact. Many futures are passing you by while you are looking at tomorrow as the future to do one thing or the other.

Now is that future

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