
“Your complaints, your drama, your victim mentality, your whining, your blaming, and all of your excuses have NEVER gotten you even a single step closer to your goals or dreams. Let go of your nonsense. Let go of the delusion that you DESERVE better and go EARN it! Today is a new day!” ― Steve Maraboli,


"Moaner Lisa" is a common part of my vocabulary – in simple, describing someone who whines a lot… ultimately resulting in me expressing the old “If you don’t like something change it, you are not a tree” quote

I am not a whiner, nor a problem finder. I am a doer and a problem solver! I have little to no tolerance for people who constantly complain about things which could quite easily be changed or bettered. People that are like this are either just

  • A) Too lazy to make an effort towards change
  • B) like the attention they get from the moaning itself.

If you want something to be different in your life, for crying out loud, get off your butt and start making an effort to make it different. Nobody is here to hold your hand – and why should they anyway?! Yes we all get support from family and friends which is a very necessary part of our emotional support structure but at the end of the day it is up to you! Besides which, confiding in family and friends for emotional support or advice is not the same thing as someone who constantly waits for “a miraculous occurrence” to change the way things are panning out in their world, all the while, simultaneously doing nothing but repeatedly whining in the ears of others.


“Like crying wolf, if you keep looking for sympathy as a justification for your actions, you will someday be left standing alone when you really need help.” ― Criss Jami

I am certain there are plenty of people in the world who have been through emotional, physical or mental upheaval worse than I could ever dare to imagine, but that doesn’t change the fact that as far as the average person goes, I have been through A LOT! I have scraped myself off the floor more times than I even care to remember and every day I deal with challenges which at some point seemed impossible to conquer.

There are many days where I simply have to "swallow the pill" - no matter how bitter and the reality is - once you have and you just GET ON WITH IT - the situation in its entirety ALWAYS improves. So... “Suck it up Moaner Lisa” is what I have to say to all those who donate so much of their time and energy to nothing at all constructive.

NOBODY really wants to hear about your problems! (If they were honest enough to admit it) and apart from that - whining about them repeatedly does absolutely NOTHING to resolve or change them!

Where there is a will, there is a way – ALWAYS! No Excuses!

Life is short and it definitely doesn’t wait for anyone - so stop wasting precious hours on a merry-go-round of perpetually whining about your problems! Get up and start doing something to change the situation!


If you want something bad enough, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse. It’s that simple and trying to dress it up as anything more complicated is a lie, not only to yourself but to everyone you verbalise it to. This applies to every single thing in life. Money, love, friendships, career, emotions…. ALL of it!

Run after your happiness like it’s the last train of the night – and for heaven’s sake STOP whining – you are only perpetuating the problem!

Make it happen! You ARE awesome, I PROMISE! We ALL are! We are ALL capable of SO much more than we give ourselves credit for.

“If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised by how well things can work out... Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier.” ― Randy Pausch

So on that "moan free" note... hehe Go kick some ASS today, OK!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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