* What to do when love is over? *

Yes, it's hard to get used to the idea but sometimes it's like that. Love ends and nowadays it seems that relationships are broken more and more frequently, families are separated or third parties appear. Love comes to an end and doubts begin to arise about what we can do at this moment when we begin to believe that love is over.

Is it better that they leave you or have to make the decision to end the relationship? There can be no easy part in either of the two positions. It is always hard to leave or have to leave something that made you happy, to see how time is running out of strength to hold together two people who thought they were strong to stay together. But to keep something for what one day was, is not a good option.

Making the decision to end a relationship will always be difficult, therefore you have to evaluate pros and cons before doing it, has anything changed? Can it have a solution? I want to fix it or I do not want to fight for my relationship? Is it exhaustion or lack of desire? Do I think I deserve better?

Assess all these questions allows you to take a time to reflect and perhaps ensure a little more before making a decision that although it may not be correct, at least it will be appropriate at the time you are. The impulsiveness, the anger or the sadness do not lead to a good decision, that's why you have to wait to reflect, give yourself some time and allow yourself to feel in order to be able to choose.

                                   CAN A LOVE BE RECOVERED OFF?

 Well, here there are no general theories that can be applied to all couples. There will be some who find the secret formula to recover love and others who do not or even want to try. What we can be sure of is that if you want and you try you can get there.

In a couple decisions are made between two, work between two and magic is created between and for both. When you want to recover something and both work in the same direction to build something common, each one puts his best intention because he wants and knows that there is still love .., here yes, it can be achieved.

We know that love is over, but it will be when the two or some of them stop trying and working for the relationship. If you think there is still something to fight for, do it, exhaust the forces and then you will make the decisions, because if you still want, you can still try. That does not remain then the remorse for not having tried at least.


 Love goes through stages and believing that it has ended up being at a different stage from the beginning is a more common mistake than we think. Crossing the stage of falling in love is great, but it is not entirely real. We need to know our partner as he is and this is what will give us the opportunity to truly love, without bandages.

Love may end and when it does, it will be necessary to follow the path. Making the decision to end a relationship may be difficult, but perhaps the pain that is felt is only something temporary after the break and in a while we are able to see everything we lost with someone who no longer made us happy.

Love is a long and sometimes complicated road; for that reason, sometimes to finish with the pair means to maintain a pinch of love between the two of different way and, sometimes, throwing much of something already finished can finish breaking the ends of those who throw. Allow yourself some time to reflect and ask yourself, who are you with today, is it who you want to draw your future with?

Love may end and when it does, it will be necessary to follow the path. Making the decision to end a relationship may be difficult, but perhaps the pain that is felt is only something temporary after the break and in a while we are able to see everything we lost with someone who no longer made us happy.

                        All images are taken from the public domain.

                                       I hope you liked the post.

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