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Hello great steemians! It is nice to have you here.

It is good to know that the journey of life is filled with ups and downs, it is filled with rough and smooth, it is filled with happiness and sorrow,it is filled with success and failure.

It is normal to be grateful, happy and merry when things are going on fine the way we expected it to be, it is very easy to have bunch of friends and people around you that will always be there for you without even given them invitation when things are going on well with you. It is easy to make friends and even be in charge when everything is rossy and booming with you.

There will be so many people that will be there and ready to support you and even committed to always helping and motivate you even when you didn't need one.

But how many people will still be there when it is other ways round,when the story changes, when everything is not rossy again, when you needed people around you to motivate you, when you needed people around you to share your feelings and emotions with,when you needed a shoulder to rest on,when you needed somebody to just ask "how are you doing"?.

Isn't it funny that you hardly get people around you to help you out of such trauma.
Isn't it funny to realized that some people will be there when you don't really need them but they won't be there when you needed them.

It is true and important that we need motivation and encouragements when we are down,weak,disappointed,sorrowful and discouraged in order to be strengthen and guided up. Now you needed it but none seems to be available.

How can you now gear yourself up and be motivated?
The best thing to do is to discover how to motivate yourself.
You can motivate yourself by making use of what I called ATK(Attitude Tool Kit) which include:

Attitude Talk
Positive Greetings
Spiritual Empowerment

Now let's consider how you can use these for self motivation.


Affirmation in this context means confessing and pronouncing positive things and words into your life and situation, though the situation around you might seems not positive but your affirmation can change negativities to possibilities. One thing that is certain is that,there's power in your word and what you confess can strengthen you or weaken you,it can give you freedom or enslave you. Let your word and affirmation carry life in order to motivate you.

Attitude Talk;

Attitude talk in this context is to lead a positive life, never allow what you are passing through turn your attitude in the other way round. Let your attitude talk the positivity in you. By doing this,you are motivating yourself. Never give room to hurting people around you through negative attitude rather let it motivate other people even at your challenging moment.

Positive Greetings;

How can positive greetings be use?. It is easy to get back the same measures in which you show to other people, when you are positive in greetings and relating with people, no grudges, it is very possible they return same back to you, but if you are negative in greetings and relating with people, definitely they will add salt to your scar and cause you to be weighed down more.


One of the ways you can motivate yourself is to be positive in everything and keep your hope alive and believe that no matter what you are passing through now,your future is great and secure and all will be well.

Spiritual Empowerment;

It is good to know that you need to build yourself from inside to outside, for your physical body to be strengthen and relief, you need to empower your inner man. You can only live out what you have internally. Empower yourself through prayers, reading the word of God and motivational books.


Exercise is healthy for body and it help to reduce stress and thinking. Another means to motivate yourself is to engage in exercise. The more you stay indoor the more depressed and weaken you become. Why not step out and engage in some exercise. You can start with trecking(strolling), Bicycling, you can even check out on old friends, you can go for adventure, visit places and have fun.

It is better to know how to motivate yourself rather than waiting for other people that will motivate you because they might not be there at that moment you needed them most.

Thanks for checking in.


Thanks to @jodipamungkas for the badge

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