This seems to be a simple concept, but apparently a lot of people have missed it.

As one year wraps up and we begin the next, I've been taking time to reflect. This is important in many ways, and perhaps I'll share more about that later. For the time being, I just desire to share a simple concept, which, although we may be aware of hearing it, we may have missed a level of how to apply this.



I want you to understand this concept on a higher, or perhaps deeper level. If any of us were looking for a "good investment," ideally we would want to purchase that investment at a low price, or at least a low enough price that we thought it had much room for growth. Then, once the investment increases to a satisfactory level and becomes worth more, we would want to sell high. When it comes to things like resale, crypto, or the stock market, we all understand this concept.

Lately, as I reflected on the last year, or even a little longer time period, I keep coming back to a certain time period in which a few different paths were chosen by some. At the end of 2016, the value of STEEM plummeted to an all time low. Interestingly enough, so did the enthusiasm and motivation of many... it just plummeted or even disappeared. In hindsight, that would have been an incredible time to buy. Some, like @vcelier, who I've had the pleasure of meeting in person, chose to "buy low" at that time. Others, like @papa-pepper, chose to continue blogging on steemit at that time. Again, looking back, we can see that people who chose to either buy low or keep posting at that time made a good decision.

Many others had another path that they chose. Many gave up at that time. The decreased value of STEEM at the moment caused them to abandon hope. Others just stopped posting, and waited for the increase in value before they thought it to be a worthy investment of their time. Once the value began to climb back up in early 2016, you should have seen how many users jumped back in.

Since hindsight is 20/20 and since we can learn from past so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past, we can now understand things more fully. Just like buying low is a good idea, so may "earning" or "gaining" low. I've always looked at steemit as an investment. It's an investment of time and effort for sure, and unlike other social media platforms, there is a real chance to get a return on that investment. @mericanhomestead is the same way. In fact, he looks at all of his STEEM as if they are worth $10 USD each, because he believes that one day they will be. Now last year that may have seemed like a distant hope for sometime way in the future, but we've almost seen that become reality already this year.
As I've been sharing lately, it is much better and easier to earn something (like STEEM) when the value is low. Obviously, it a better time to buy things when they are undervalued too. The real time when people were quitting and leaving was the best possible time for them to be posting. If you were around during that time, you would even recall that my attitude was just that; "This is a great time to be posting on steemit!" So, as we move forward, please remember this. None of us can change what we did a year ago, even if we were here. Honestly, I would have bought thousands of dollars worth of STEEM and then had a nice 60X increase to my investment... but then again, we all would have. At the moment, we can only think about this matter and be ready to apply it in the future. Also, there may be a time in the future when $6 STEEM seems really cheap, so what does that tell you about your potential right now?
If you happen to be looking for other online crypto opportunities, you may want to check SOLA out. Their platform and crypto (SOL) is still rather new and it is just starting to grow. Many steemians have already joined, so you'll recognize some familiar faces as well. In just a few short weeks I've earned over 1000 SOL already. At the moment, that's worth over $100 USD, but who knows what it could be worth in the future. A few minnows form steemit have even claimed that they get a lot more attention and interaction over there. Here is the invite code that they gave me if anyone is interested : https://sola.ai/papa_pepper

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com

GIF provided by @orelmely


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